Addition to quick fix: Not to steal Tgrashers post;


Well-known Member
I'm a retired farm machinery/railroad machinery mechanic, so I have learned a few tricks along the way, if I can remember them!!!
I was out in my shop one day, and my wife came running out, "you gotta go up to Randy's place. He broke something and needs you right away!!"
So, I jumped in the pickup buzzed up to his place, about a mile away. Well, somebody left the diesel fuel nozzle in a pickup box tank and drove off. Pulled the tank off the stand and broke the fitting off flush that goes into the tank. Thankfully, didn't hurt the tank threads or flange. They rolled the tank so the fuel wasn't running out.
Randy is standing there, "what are we gonna do?!?!?!" Just all kinds of excited. Fortunately, the fitting that broke off in tank was brass. I said, "OK, I need a hacksaw blade, a roll of black tape, a hammer and a 3/16- or 1/4-inch pin punch. And a pair of Vise grips." He looked at me kinda funny, but he got all the stuff.
I took the tape and wrapped it around one end of the saw blade to make a sorta handle. Then I put the blade in the broken fitting and started "sawing" through the threads. After a I thought I sawed far enough through the threads, I re-sharpened the pin punch so it had an angle end instead of a flat end. I took the punch, caught a thread or two of the brass, tapped it with the hammer, peeled it up a bit, grabbed the corner with the Vise-grips, and pulled it out. (Been there done this before!!) Just took a few minutes. He stood there for a minute or two, kinda with his mouth open. Finally, he said, "See how smart I am?? I called you!!" All I could do is stand there and laugh!! Gotta love'm!!

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