Additive to clean Ejectors


What fuel additives do you use to clean ejectors? And, how do you use it?

Several years ago, I ask this same question and one of the answers really worked. I didn't write it down.

This is one of those question you may get tons of "opinions" on, its like asking what brand of oil is best lol Billy Bob will swear X is best while Jimmy Joe swears Y is best blah blah blah

That being said, based on my own personal experience and observations, and of the belief that in general MOST SNAKE OILS DONT DO MUCH IF ANY


This is NOT to start a feud over the use or non use of snake oil all together, so don't anyone have a calf now, I'm ONLY SAYING I prefer Lucas (Ifffffffffffff I were to use any). Use or don't use whatever yall like is fine with me.

John T
ATF may work , Lucas May work , But the sure fire what will work is REBUILD or replace the injectors in question . and today with the new and IMPROVED fuels you can bet that at some point in time your going to have problems with OLD engine fuel systems . All one can do it try and if it works great . I can say that myself i have been adding either ATF or Lucas now for several years . The Lucas SEAMS to help on my Dodge a little .
How much ATF per gallon of fuel? All the time? Or just once or twice a year?

I agree rebuilding ejectors is the only real cure, but I am waiting until I need a major. Hopefully never!

(quoted from post at 06:23:22 06/03/16) How much ATF per gallon of fuel? All the time? Or just once or twice a year?

I agree rebuilding ejectors is the only real cure, but I am waiting until I need a major. Hopefully never!


You will need a major overhaul if you keep letting INJECTORS leak fuel into your cyls. The excess fuel will wash off the oil and you will score your walls.
I was having problems with one of my diesel tractors a few years ago and someone on the Ford forum told me to use Howe's Meaner Power Kleaner to clean up the injectors. They said to pour in the full quart in my fuel tank since it was about full at that time. Start it and let it run at 2/3 to 3/4 throttle for an hour and half or so. I did as directed except I let it run for a full two hours. Since then every spring I pour half a quart in each diesel fuel tank on both of my diesel tractors and the issue has never returned, Hal.

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