Advantages of Krylon Farm Paint over IH Ironguard?


Well-known Member
I’ve used Rustoleum, valspar, Van sickle, and IH iron guard dealer paint and all were good but I prefer the IH iron guard given the color and good results I’ve had. Ran across some Krylon IH Red in a gallon can for $62. Wanted to see opinions on that since I have to order my IH ironguard paint and have it mailed in. Better , Worse, or about the same? I prime with high build primer before painting and use hardener in all of my color coats.


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It's my understanding that Ironguard paint is made by Valspar. I have yet to find any Valspar paint that was good for any application. I painted a Kubota Tractor with Valspar paint once and within a month you could see it start fading. After a year you would have to use some imagination to tell it was once orange.

As much work as it is to paint a tractor I would use an automotive paint. It will last.
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Rumor has it that Ironguard paint has been discontinued. Limited to stock on hand. Once it's gone, it's gone.

I painted my Farmall H with the Valspar product that Tractor Supply used to carry. Still very red.

Some claim you have to use hardener with the enamel paint products to get lasting results.
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Rumor has it that Ironguard paint has been discontinued. Limited to stock on hand. Once it's gone, it's gone.

I painted my Farmall H with the Valspar product that Tractor Supply used to carry. Still very red.

Some claim you have to use hardener with the enamel paint products to get lasting results.
That is my expierence with the old Valspar and the Ironguard paint. No issues and decent to good product. I've heard first hand from Ken Updike (parts guy and IH historian) that CNH still has the paint and its still Valspar. Sherwin Williams owns Valspar for about 10 years now. For this particular application/time, I'm gonna pony up and try the automotive acrylic enamel paint with hardner and might use a clear coat. We shall see how it turns out.
That is my expierence with the old Valspar and the Ironguard paint. No issues and decent to good product. I've heard first hand from Ken Updike (parts guy and IH historian) that CNH still has the paint and its still Valspar. Sherwin Williams owns Valspar for about 10 years now. For this particular application/time, I'm gonna pony up and try the automotive acrylic enamel paint with hardner and might use a clear coat. We shall see how it turns out.
The acrylic enamel should shine well enough on it's own. By putting a clear over the top you will make it more difficult to touch up. If the paint was gouged with enamel only you could brush some paint on the spot until you got it level and polish it out to where you couldn't see it anymore. With a clear on it you would have to repaint the entire panel to get rid of the spot.
I’ve used Rustoleum, valspar, Van sickle, and IH iron guard dealer paint and all were good but I prefer the IH iron guard given the color and good results I’ve had. Ran across some Krylon IH Red in a gallon can for $62. Wanted to see opinions on that since I have to order my IH ironguard paint and have it mailed in. Better , Worse, or about the same? I prime with high build primer before painting and use hardener in all of my color coats.
I'm using their hardener in another paint with good results. I don't know about the hold out though of their paint. Are you using the primer wet on wet or sanding before top coating?
sanded before top coating. I had some acrylic enamel mixed up for the paint.
I’ve not used it , but what I’ve found is that the better quality single stage auto paints make paint jobs look great. In my opinion there is no comparison with the farm and fleet stuff.
If I want the paint to pop! I’m paying the 150 a quart ,reducer, and hardener , it’s just so much easier with good preparation.
I wouldn't be surprised with all the paint acquisition over the yrs that this paint was not a major brand or a non OEM paint line like PPGs global line.

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