Aggravating problem

I just changed the fuel filters and lift pump on our 1105. I've pulled it about a half a mile and tried to get fuel to the filters by working the lever on the lift pump, but it just won't pull fuel out of the tank. The lever on the lift pump also feels like it's not making a full stroke when you work it by hand. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Every other time I've changed a lift pump on one of our other tractors it pulled the fuel in fine, but are were smaller and the fuel tanks are higher than the pump, so priming was not an issue.
Wesley, Have you checked the fine screen in the
inlet line to the injection pump. It is right
inside the line when you remove from the inj pump. It could be plugged. Chuck
You have a fuel line blockage somewhere. Check from the tank fuel
line outlet right to the pickup or the pump. When you disconnect
the line at the pump the fuel should run out by the pressure of fuel
There is a screen in the bottom of the fill side tank it is on the drain plug that is where the fuel gets sucks out of the tank. Take the plug out clean the screen that is on the drain plug and blow back through the line from lift pump inlet back into tank.
I'll try that out. The tractor is in pretty good shape, but it sat up a while and apparently got a lot of rust in the fuel tanks. I ran it about 10 hours after we got it and that was long enough for the filters to get full of rust. A piece of rubber line has been placed between the tank and pump at some point so I may put a plastic in-line filter there to try to catch some of it before it gets to the pump. I've done that successfully on a lot of old trucks.
As to the lift pump, you must turn the engine to make the lift pump work. This is due to the eccentric, that gives the stroke - it has to be fully inwards engine to allow rockerarm to move.
Several things
One was pointed out before. If there is rust and water etc in the tanks then you are going to have to deal with it clogging the filters and screens. Do not bother putting on an inline filter if you have rust and water problems because as I found out, water will soften the paper filter element and it will collapse leaving you stranded.

With 3 hours of harrowing to do before my fields were to be seeded earlier this fall, my MF 1100 conked out and I figured it was the new lift pump that I had just replaced. After exhausting all local sources for another new lift pump, I figured I couldn't make it any worse so I pulled the top of it off and discovered that it was half full of debris which was keeping the diaphragm from moving and clogging the check valves so it could not pump.
After carefully blowing crap out of the valves and diaphragm and cleaning the sediment bowl!!!!!! which I had been putting off, fuel pumped fine. Mantra… Clean your sediment bowls… Clean your sediment bowls.

Next crack the bleeder screws on the top of the fuel filters and hand pump until you get all the air out of the Filters. Then crack the 2 bleeders on the side of the injection pump, closing the lower one first. You have to keep pumping the finger lever on the lift pump to maintain a little pressure. When the fuel stream at the bleeders runs without bubbles it should be good.

Then and only then should you bother cranking the engine. Before it will start though you will need to crack a couple of the fuel lines where they mount to the injectors to get enough air out of the system to get fuel to the cylinders. Once you have bled out enough air to get fuel to the engine, it should pop and start. Injectors are hydraulically actuated and air is a compressible gas so air in the injector lines will keep the injectors from getting the hydraulic impulse to open. If the injector doesn't open, no fuel can get through and it won't run.

After you get the hang of it, you just have to remember that if there is air somewhere it will not run. If there is no fuel pressure from the lift pump, then either you are out of fuel, the fuel inlet is blocked in the tank, there is a leak in the fuel line, or something is wrong with the lift pump. If you are getting pressure from the lift pump but no fuel at the injector pump, then bleed your filters.
Good luck

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