Agri king 1175 lost its pto


New User
I mowed with the tractor last year and it did great with my 15 foot mower. I hooked up to it this year and the pto turns slowly but stops when blades engage. I don't hear any different noise etc. not sure where to look next.
Check the cable to the valve. If OK check the hyd. pressure on the line to the clutch. If OK pull
the PTO housing.
I do not have a shop manual but I did notice one cable seems stuck. The parts manual identified it as something to do with the arms level. It is right next to the pto handle. I will try to get it moving. It seems the valve is stuck more than the cable.
You are correct. I thought it might change pto speeds like my other tractor but it did nothing. The cable for the pto goes to a valve and the cable is moving in and out. Any chance the pump is weak or the valve bad before I try the pto assembly ? I would think I would hear noise if the clutch was slipping. thx
If you did not have it Completely engaged when you were mowing with it you will have taken the clutch pack wear parts out by slipping, when it was "hot" from being used it may have went ahead and ran the mower for the job, may not be your issue but I have rebuilt many of them because this was done to them

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