allis chalmer

Hello, I am completely new to tractors old n' new alike, And i've been given a task of selling (as far as I know a 1955 Allis Chalmer WD40) and a handful of attachments. My problem is I don't know where to even begin looking into the value of any of this stuff. All the info I have been told is as fallows. 1. It's only had 1 previous owner. 2. The engine has been either rebuilt, or just flat out replaced with a stronger one( he likes to talk about how it does wheelies super easy since). 3. It runs great. 4, He still has a lot of the paperwork that originally came with the tractor, how ever he keeps forgetting to get said paperwork to me when I ask as he is going through a lot of health problems. 5. He thinks it was a special edition or something but cant recall. Any help with an ID of what it exactly is, where to start looking for value/Places that would be good to try and sell it would be greatly appreciated!
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A serial number and a picture would be helpful plus any documentation of repair work. Allis Chalmers never made a ''WD40''. In 1955 they were manufacturing a ''WD45''.
Serial number is located on the left rear of the rear end on a flat spot below the left brake housing. The serial number will start with ''WD'' whether it's a WD or a WD45. You have to look at the tractor serial number and some other parts of the tractor to determine whether it's a WD or a WD45. Lots of WDs out there with WD45 decals on them but that doesn't make them a WD45.Tractors are routinely listed for sale on this website with or
without picture but I'd always do it with a picture.
(quoted from post at 09:15:06 07/26/23) A serial number and a picture would be helpful plus any documentation of repair work. Allis Chalmers never made a ''WD40''. In 1955 they were manufacturing a ''WD45''.
Serial number is located on the left rear of the rear end on a flat spot below the left brake housing. The serial number will start with ''WD'' whether it's a WD or a WD45. You have to look at the tractor serial number and some other parts of the tractor to determine whether it's a WD or a WD45. Lots of WDs out there with WD45 decals on them but that doesn't make them a WD45.Tractors are routinely listed for sale on this website with or
without picture but I'd always do it with a picture.
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I've even seen a couple of WC's that had WD-45 decals on them !! Some people have no shame.
Hello AC welcome to YT. Those pictures may be
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