Antique Implement Identification


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This was on our property with a few other implements when we purchased it a few years ago. This is the only one I cannot identify. I was wondering if anyone has any info and if it's worth anything before I take it to the scrap yard?

Looks like a home made 3 point manual plant planter. 2 people would sit in the seats and poke holes in the dirt and plant the plants, like tomatoes or pepper. The square bins would hold the plants for them. Hope this helps.
By the cage guard and the heavy duty frame, I would say it's specifically for planting trees. Hitch on back to pull a water tank trailer.
Best guess, anyway. You might get a nibble from a forestry equipment auction or museum, but probably scrap. Looks like it was built before such things were common, but any value would be if it's the first one made by a commercial enterprise. Otherwise, just somebody wanted to plant trees and liked to weld.

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