Antique Machinery Show

25 th annual antique machinery show June 17,18,19 , 2016 at the Johnson County Park near Edinburgh Ind. Plenty of activities including antique tractor pull Fri eve, Heavy Horse pull Sat eve, Mph Farm Tractor Pull Sun at noon, kids games,consignment auction, antique tractors, steam engines, gas engines,flea mrkt, Hosting and featuring Indiana Massey Harris Collectors Summer Show. Antique Market on Sat 8am -3pm. $3.00 daily admission visit or our facebook page for more info or call Dwayne at 317-512-0493
To many shows going on next weekend. Besides your show there is also a show up at Rochester, Indiana that is featuring The Gathering Of The Orange ( Allis Chalmers). I am planning on taking my WD45 to that show but can stay only one day because on Sat. I have a tractor pull at another town ( that's if every thing goes as planed).

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