Any difference about these two pto clutch for John Deere?

Jay Hoodjer

New User
I am looking for a john deere lx188 pto clutch.
Any difference about these two pto clutch for John Deere?
The First One:

The Second:

My old clutch smoke and throw it away by my wife. I am not sure which one to choose. Now I am looking for john deere tractor manual.
I am looking for a john deere lx188 pto clutch.
Any difference about these two pto clutch for John Deere?
The First One:

The Second:

My old clutch smoke and throw it away by my wife. I am not sure which one to choose. Now I am looking for john deere tractor manual.

This John Deere parts website says AM100977 is a grass shield kit for drum brakes on several "real" lawn and garden tractors, 316 to 430 built 25+ years ago.

However, there appears to be several other sellers showing the AM100977 and AM123123 as being available as pto clutches.

The AM123123 shows an alternate part number of Warner 5215-9 on some sites.

JD Parts

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