Any information on this john deere model B?

Hi yall, I have a john deere model b and am having a rough time finding out the year serial number is 205399, I also have the casting number off the block which is B2500R. Any help would be great. Thanks
Serial 205399 would be a 1947 model. Welcome to YT!

193846175 (*49302)
Thank you! It's my grandfather's old tractor and looking to get it restored and at its prime again, trying to hunt down a carburetor for it, any help would be greatly appreciated. And would it be 6v electrical system?
You could buy a rebuilt DLTX-67 from the Lind bros, it's a little spendy ($450) but it wouldn't need any wok. If you interested, I could direct you to their website. Does it not have one mounted? I think it would be 6 volt, but I'll double check for you.
You could buy a rebuilt DLTX-67 from the Lind bros, it's a little spendy ($450) but it wouldn't need any wok. If you interested, I could direct you to their website. Does it not have one mounted? I think it would be 6 volt, but I'll double check for you.
No carburetor is current mounted, I would appreciate the direction to thier website. And I appreciate helping me out.
I miss typed. It's 205390, would that still be 1947? I'm new to owing anything this old.
Every tractor has a unique serial number. Every tractor model has its own serial number chart. Charts list the first serial number issued in a year.

Easy way to determine the year of your own tractor: Look up least one serial number chart for your tractor model using google. Look through the chart for the first serial number that is higher than yours,. Move back one year on the chart. That is the year of your tractor.

In your example, the first number higher than yours is 209295, which is for 1948. Move back one year. 1947 is the year of your tractor.

Now you can look up the year of most any old tractor.
Posting on this forum is fine and you will usually get answers to your questions. But I would like to point out that there is a John Deere forum down below where the John Deere experts check questions. For instance I'm an Oliver guy and always check that forum because it gets more Oliver questions and more guys answer them.

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