Anyone interested in saving a JD 95 open station combine?


New User
My family has a John Deere 95 combine, open station, with a grain head and rice tires. It hasn't run in over 15 years. Before then, my dad was using it, and loved it, but it's been sitting ever since he bought a newer combine. Now it's taking up space and we're seriously considering cutting it up for scrap soon. I've always thought those old Deere combines were cool, ever since I was a little kid. We'd hate to cut it up, but it would take a lot of work to get it going again and we don't know what else to do with it. We don't need a lawn ornament. As a last chance I thought I'd see if there were any collectors online who might be interested. We're not looking to make money from it. It would be a really cool machine to see at a show like the Half Century of Progress, but I don't think we have the time for a project like that.

I posted this thread on The Combine Forum as well if you see it there. I know that might seem like I'm spamming, but I figure there's a better chance of just the right person seeing this if I post it in more than one place.

edit: Forgot to say that the combine's in western NY.

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My family has a John Deere 95 combine, open station, with a grain head and rice tires. It hasn't run in over 15 years. Before then, my dad was using it, and loved it, but it's been sitting ever since he bought a newer combine. Now it's taking up space and we're seriously considering cutting it up for scrap soon. I've always thought those old Deere combines were cool, ever since I was a little kid. We'd hate to cut it up, but it would take a lot of work to get it going again and we don't know what else to do with it. We don't need a lawn ornament. As a last chance I thought I'd see if there were any collectors online who might be interested. We're not looking to make money from it. It would be a really cool machine to see at a show like the Half Century of Progress, but I don't think we have the time for a project like that.

I posted this thread on The Combine Forum as well if you see it there. I know that might seem like I'm spamming, but I figure there's a better chance of just the right person seeing this if I post it in more than one place.

View attachment 80361
What engine and where?
Whoops that was stupid, I forgot to say where it was. Western New York. It's a gas engine, I have an idea which one it is but I'll have to check tomorrow.

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