Arm end comes out on 3 point hitch-986

I'm trying to plow a pasture and having a couple of problems that I would like to ask you about. I have a 986 and a new used 710 plow.

1. One side of the 3 point hitch keeps coming out. (not all the way, just 6 inches) Can you tell me why this is happening? I'm guessing that something is worn. If so, what is the worn part? Is it the top part with the ring that you can lift up?

Can I tie this down? Maybe put a wire through the ring and tighten it down, to hold it in place, keep it from coming up?
Or should I buy a new clip on the 3 point hitch? What's it called?

2. I pulled the pin to let the 3 point hitch swing from side to side, but it keeps hitting the tire on the left side, when I turn. Why does one arm on the 3 point hitch hit the tire?

I'm thinking that I need to screw in the bolt/holder/connector on the inside of the arm. What do you think?
I should be able to take the pin out and turn the square end piece, I think.

By the way, my 986 pulls a 5 bottom plow easily in 3rd gear in Missouri clay soil. I should have bought a 6 bottom.


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That is a feature to make attaching 3pt implements easier. Like an extendable tongue on a hay wagon. Instead of jumping on and off the tractor a dozen times to get things lined up you lift the latch and extend the arms as necessary to hook up. The arms are usually rusted up solid so they wouldn't extend for love or money...

Either the latch is badly worn or the leaf springs being used to hold it down are bent or broken. Yes, you can try to wire it down. You could also try a U-bolt if you think it needs something more substantial. If it still pops out at least the latch is worn and needs replaced.

The arm hitting the tire is because your sway link isn't stopping it from hitting. If it's not hitting the other way, look closely at how that side's sway link is put together, and match that.

"3rd gear" you mean in LOW range right? That's actually borderline too slow. Another bottom would have you crawling along in 1st, and definitely not doing a good job plowing.

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