Attachment for bucket on 584


I have discovered that a grapple will be hard to hook onto my old tractor or at least somewhat involved . I am told that I would have to purchase a skid steer plate for attachment and then utilize the rear remotes. I think my loader is a 2250 ? Does anyone have any experience with this ? Is it worth the trouble ? I handle a lot of brush and logs when we have storms and it would be very useful if it is practical to attach a grapple. If this is off topic, my apologies.
I have discovered that a grapple will be hard to hook onto my old tractor or at least somewhat involved . I am told that I would have to purchase a skid steer plate for attachment and then utilize the rear remotes. I think my loader is a 2250 ? Does anyone have any experience with this ? Is it worth the trouble ? I handle a lot of brush and logs when we have storms and it would be very useful if it is practical to attach a grapple. If this is off topic, my apologies.
There's a good many times when I wished my loader had a grapple. I too own an IH584 with a 2250 loader plus a couple others with loaders
You can giggle loader thumb and come up with some thumbs if that would work. Size of grapple would depend upon what you want to grapple. I got an extra cylinder where I want to weld up my own thumb/grapple. Nothing too hard with a torch and welder.
Does the loader have its own valve (joystick?) separate from the rear remotes so one or both remotes are free to use? The worst part is coming up with a way to control a 3rd function if the tractor has no rear remotes or they're used for running the loader.

Several companies make a skidsteer quick attach adapter that fits in the IH 2250 loader. Mine came from the Washburn Company at, cost $1100, is very well made, and fit perfectly. Getting the old bucket off was the physically most difficult part of the process. The adapter plate went on easily.

After that all you need to do is buy the grapple, mount it (takes 30 seconds), and run hydraulic hoses from the rear of the tractor, along the loader frame, to the grapple.

Really the hardest part of the whole process is parting with the money to buy the components. You will need to buy a quick attach bucket, weld a "make-up plate" to your existing bucket, or otherwise modify the bucket for quick attach. Otherwise you'd need to unpin the quick attach and pin the old bucket back on which defeats the purpose.

Beware quick attach implements are addictive. Pallet forks are a must.
I am trying to understand this. Can I remove my bucket then attach the quick attach adapter to my loader which will then easily accept the grapple ? My loader does have a joystick [ lever ] separate from the rear remotes. I am currently not using the rear remotes.
I am trying to understand this. Can I remove my bucket then attach the quick attach adapter to my loader which will then easily accept the grapple ? My loader does have a joystick [ lever ] separate from the rear remotes. I am currently not using the rear remotes.
Yes exactly, I must have the same one as BE from Washburn, you are then able to attach quick attach buckets, grapples , pallet forks in a couple minutes. Joy stick will have same function and a grapple would hook to the rear remotes
Thanks much. This is all new to me . I have researched this and everyone has a different opinion as to whicj adapter is the most convenient, universal, etc.
Thanks much. This is all new to me . I have researched this and everyone has a different opinion as to whicj adapter is the most convenient, universal, etc.
The SSQA, skid steer quick attach, style is by far the most common. Every little fly by night wannabe machinery dealer has attachments for sale. Auctioneers get containers full of attachments to sell (which is usually where the fly by nights get their stock). Not the best quality stuff but most of it is serviceable if you don't beat on your equipment.
Thanks much. This is all new to me . I have researched this and everyone has a different opinion as to whicj adapter is the most convenient, universal, etc.
You need one with ears to match your loader, not all brands may offer that. You can get universal ones with no mounting ears; you then make your own ears and install/weld the ears you made onto the quick attach unit.
The 84s are open center, so adding a third valve is easy, just route the return from the current valve to the new one. Or, get a triple spool valve. One valve with electric control is handy for a grapple. Mount the switch to the joystick so you can run it without taking your hand off the joystick.
I would be cautious of some grapples. I was watching a guy loading logs with one on a Deere loader, it had 2 separate arms as the grapple. It must have been bent as one would close then the other and one would close tighter than the other and such. Made a pain of using to hold the logs while moving or loading. I would want one that is a one piece deal with one or 2 cylinders on it depending on the size of it. I have wanted one for loading round bales by grabbing them high enough it would not tear them up. A spear works but seems a bit sloppy sometimes when picking up 2 or 3 at once. As for mounts why not just put a plate on your current bucket so you can weld your ears and cylinder mounts to it then just plumb it up no need to get a second bucket unless you think the grapple would be in the way of daily use.
You need one with ears to match your loader, not all brands may offer that. You can get universal ones with no mounting ears; you then make your own ears and install/weld the ears you made onto the quick attach unit.
Multiple manufacturers produce a quick attach adapter specifically for the IH 2250 loader. I own one.
I would be cautious of some grapples. I was watching a guy loading logs with one on a Deere loader, it had 2 separate arms as the grapple. It must have been bent as one would close then the other and one would close tighter than the other and such. Made a pain of using to hold the logs while moving or loading. I would want one that is a one piece deal with one or 2 cylinders on it depending on the size of it. I have wanted one for loading round bales by grabbing them high enough it would not tear them up. A spear works but seems a bit sloppy sometimes when picking up 2 or 3 at once. As for mounts why not just put a plate on your current bucket so you can weld your ears and cylinder mounts to it then just plumb it up no need to get a second bucket unless you think the grapple would be in the way of daily use.
I am consdidering all these possibilities.
I have discovered that a grapple will be hard to hook onto my old tractor or at least somewhat involved . I am told that I would have to purchase a skid steer plate for attachment and then utilize the rear remotes. I think my loader is a 2250 ? Does anyone have any experience with this ? Is it worth the trouble ? I handle a lot of brush and logs when we have storms and it would be very useful if it is practical to attach a grapple. If this is off topic, my apologies.
I did exactly what you are thinking about. Got a quick
I have discovered that a grapple will be hard to hook onto my old tractor or at least somewhat involved . I am told that I would have to purchase a skid steer plate for attachment and then utilize the rear remotes. I think my loader is a 2250 ? Does anyone have any experience with this ? Is it worth the trouble ? I handle a lot of brush and logs when we have storms and it would be very useful if it is practical to attach a grapple. If this is off topic, my apologies.
I did exactly this and operate the grapple with the rear remote.
My loader has its own valve
I bought a skid steer mount off eBay with no loader brackets. I had to cut the ones off my old bucket and welded them to the mount. The old bucket was shot anyway.
It’s very handy.

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