Bad luck has to end


Be glad when this week is over. Both igniters went out on cook stove, water system pressure tank went bad, motor burned up on air condition air handler, sickle mower broke so I was going to braze a piece and something happened to the oxygen regulator and the hose blew up at my body. Sounded and felt like a small bomb. So I decided to tig it, forgot to shut bottle off a few days ago and lost a full tank of argon. Wife says pressure switch is bad. I quit. Just so my internet don’t die. Nothing a cheap fix.
Be glad when this week is over. Both igniters went out on cook stove, water system pressure tank went bad, motor burned up on air condition air handler, sickle mower broke so I was going to braze a piece and something happened to the oxygen regulator and the hose blew up at my body. Sounded and felt like a small bomb. So I decided to tig it, forgot to shut bottle off a few days ago and lost a full tank of argon. Wife says pressure switch is bad. I quit. Just so my internet don’t die. Nothing a cheap fix.
Grand Daddy always said, "Ain't no bad days, some are just better than others"
Luck is a myth. Most times, we make our own "luck" by the level of planning, preparation, reaction, and execution.
Be glad when this week is over. Both igniters went out on cook stove, water system pressure tank went bad, motor burned up on air condition air handler, sickle mower broke so I was going to braze a piece and something happened to the oxygen regulator and the hose blew up at my body. Sounded and felt like a small bomb. So I decided to tig it, forgot to shut bottle off a few days ago and lost a full tank of argon. Wife says pressure switch is bad. I quit. Just so my internet don’t die. Nothing a cheap fix.
"When you're going through hell, keep going" Winston Churchill.

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