Best books for G-950/1865


What is the best service repair manual to get for one of these tractors? I see on ebay some originals copies of originals and a ton of the IT manuals. Is it just better to get and original or it the IT good enough. The IT's are a lot cheaper. Also found a copy's of MM energy cell maintenance manuals on there. Would that be beneficial to have as well? Thanks
The IT manual gives instructions on how to repair the tractors. The repair manual shows a breakdown of the various parts, and the corresponding part numbers. The operator manual tells about the maintenance and operation of the tractors. I have most of the manuals for most of the tractors.

Michael Moeller
[email protected]
Also found a copy's of MM energy cell maintenance manuals on there. Would that be beneficial to have as well? Thanks

With a couple hundred Oliver diesel with energy cells I would say not. Also send me an e-mail J.

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