Big bad 1466


Farmington IL
Those models would pull all day long for you. Our 1466, I have pulled our 24 ft vibra shank for days in and days out for several years. If dry would pull almost as much as our 4166 they are a beautiful tractor when looking that nice. Hard not to notice those red tractors like that. Bill you must have moved on to bigger and hopefully better tractors now. Though the 66 series was the last of the best tractors IH made. The 06and 56 series were just as good too.
Neighbor bought an early 1066. What a disappointment after the 06 and especially the 56 series. He traded a 856. I never liked the looks of the 66 series from the start. I guess I was use to JD's improvements between 10-20-30 series tractors. The 66 series was only slightly improved from the 06 and a 1066 was no 1206 in looks. The quality had gone down, especially the engines. Neighbor had engine and rear end issues with the 1466 he had later. Then the 86 series came along. They sure looked great in pictures. I saw a picture of the 886 and really wanted one. What a disappointment just getting in, door still hit you in the backside, got hung up on shifter, rough ride and still no powershift, same old TA. The 86's looked good in pictures but the same rough engineering of a Belarus.

Dad was all Farmall until he wanted a diesel, he got a 400 Case. He did not want the start on gas or the truck engines in the 460/560. He went back to Farmall with a 706. I started with a 4020 because the Coop would not finance the used 856 that I wanted and JD would with a used 1970 4020 fwa, P.S on their lot. Ordered a new 4430 the fall of '72 because I knew just what a 66 series was. I had a shoulder hand injury with my left hand and the console and powershift worked so much better for me anyway. I thought IH had done better with the 86 series and left hand shifter until I got in one. I had a 454 with it and worked well, but the 86 series did not work for me, too big and clunky. JD came out with the 40 series and the 466 engines. By then I knew IH never would do better. Then the ugliest Farmall ever made. And then IH was gone. JD did the same thing, very limited improvement after the 40 series, until the 8000 series. Never liked the 15 speed powershift. I just stayed with the 40 series until health forced me to quit farming....James

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