Bought another moline

Matt L

I officially have 4 now :D

Found a 46 ztu on craigslist. Seller didnt know what it was of course. Or how much it was really worth.
I was hoping for a zts - guess I'll have to buy another moline.

It needs a rear tire, fuel system cleaned, a rear tire and who knows what else.


It was in west plains Washington. Its going to north Idaho.

My tractoring problem is worse then most peoples.

Yea I might have 4 molines, but theres other tractors too I have. 3 Cases 6 Deeres 4 IH's a ford a ferguson , an allis and maybe another one or 2 hiding.

Id prolly end up with a straight jacket instead of a patch
You sound like me. would like to see Idaho sometime I hear there are lots of tractors there.
depends on the parts of Idaho I guess and if me and my buddies have collected most of the tractors :D

Id say between a few of my friends and me theres about 200 tractors about
I have an even 10 plus THD 800 6A power unit on my sawmill. And AC Wpatrol, Case LAI, 3 Cats, 3 JD one on rubber two on tracks, Big IH track loader and some newer stiff that works for a living yet.Oh yeah 2 antique trucks and one antique car. I'm never bored, enjoy your toys.
I bought a Minnie to see if my wife thought my tractor was nnalert. I now have 3 Z's, an R. and a UB. I have now came to the conclusion she don't think they are nnalert BUT I'm going to keep buying!.
I brought the IH 2424 home / wife seen it. She asked when did you get that -few months ago. Then I was asked do you need it? YEP!!! Its got a loader!

I have 4 loaders...... :lol: she hasnt seen the moline yet

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