Bought My First Farmall Yesterday

Welding man

Well-known Member
West Virginia
Made a 280 mile trip yesterday and brought this one home. I have owned and still do, Fords, Cockshutts, Olivers and Massey Harris, but this is my first Farmall. I bought it from an old gentleman that had owned it for 50 years. He said he had put less than 75 hours on it in the 50 years that he had owned it. He had other tractors and just did not use it. It has been kept in a garage with his pick-up truck. The rear tires are 10 years old. It has a 3 point hitch and starts and runs like a new tractor, excellent brakes and clutch and the TA shifts flawlessly. I also got a narrow front to go with it. I think I'm going to like this one.
They both look nice, Ellis i put a longer pipe in the manifold to raise the muffler,on my M too, but,On my SMTA i got a 806 muffler,but i got a bigger exhaust manifold on that, it's got a different sound !!
nice unit!. keep it as a wide front, way nicer looking. wonder if the seat cushion is original. dont know why they have holes in the hood though and it must have been repainted as the decal is in the wrong spot.
all you do is unlatch that side and prop the hood open with a stick when oiling it , like once a year. first time i saw that.
As I said before, this is my first Farmall and the old gentleman I bought it from said that is what the holes were for and his friend that has one just like it said the same thing. I have a hood off an M that does not have the holes. If you have a better explanation ,I will listen.

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