Brush Hog Top Link and Limiter Chain Location


So, for a plow, I get that you put the top link in the top hole of the rocker and set the 3 point to draft control. However, i don't know how to use the other two holes. My only other implements using the 3 point is a brush hog and back blade. My disk is a pull behind.

I know I should run the 3 point in position control with the brush hog. The question is where to set the top link when using a brush hog. I have been running it in the center hole and using stabilizer bars. I am adding limiter chains so wondering where they attach at the top end? Do I keep the top link in the center hole and attach the chains to the same pin or attach the chains to the lower hole?

I assume the back blade is set up the same as the brush hog.

BTW, unfortunately the stabilizer bars won't also fit on the brush hog pins once I put the chains on. I guess I could get longer pins but wondering if the chains will also act as stabilizers anyway.

This post was edited by Orion231 on 07/25/2022 at 08:01 pm.
Orion231, So, for a plow, I get that you put the top link in the top hole of the rocker and set the 3 point to draft control. However, i don't know how to use the other two holes.

NO! The top link goes in the bottom hole only for a plow!

I would suggest You put 2 bolts with nuts in the upper holes to prevent use and damage to the draft control so they can not be used.

If one of the upper holes are used while doing something like heavy plowing and something immovable is struck by the plow the excessive leverage of having the top link in one of the upper holes has a tremendous mechanical advantage on the top link and this is transmitted into the big draft sensing spring and on into the internal linkage. The internal linkage is actually bent in this manner and after it gets bent in this manner it will not lift anymore in the draft mode until the damage is corrected.
Also the draft sensing spring seat can become convex from the action of carrying too great a load on the lift and having it jump up and down while being transported over uneven terrain. Just think of the force being applied to the draft spring seat while doing this. This is also multiplied by using one of the top holes in the top link rocker connector.
Unless you are going to use a row crop cultivator you should cut off the upper holes in the rocker or put a bolt in them to discourage them being used for anything other than what it was designed for.

Lots of tractors have the two and three hole top link rocker hookups. These specialty rockers were for specific applications and were never meant to be used in such operations as using a turning plow or bush hog or box blade. They were made primarily for use with light draft implements such as the two row cultivator and some mowing machines etc.

This post was edited by Den N Ms on 07/25/2022 at 08:34 pm.
Orion231 , I suggest If you use limiter chains get longer pins for the cutter.Or bolt the brackets behind the pins you already have and leave them on the cutter.Then you can use your sway bars.
Hey, thanks for straightening me out on the rocker. I guess I read something wrong somewhere on that. It has been way too many years since I last worked with a plow on an 8N (like 1967) and then it was already set up for me. My dad had an 8N when I was a kid but since he replaced an old John Deere flywheel start tractor (without 3 point) with the 8N all his implements were pull behind from the drawbar. He had one of those, I guess you would call them, trip axle plows that would rotate the axle to lift the plow out of the ground.

Anyway, too late tonight but tomorrow will change the top link to the bottom hole and through bolt the upper two holes. I actually haven't used it since the major overhaul of the hydraulic system so there hasn't been any force applied to the rocker at this point with the new parts. I have some mowing that I need to get done (ie fire trail around the property) right away but after that is done I will get some longer chain and drill holes to mount the limiters to the brush hog and put the stabilizers back on. I might get to do some plowing this fall or next spring.
Anyone have build this limit chain? My tractor is in different state and I would like to go to a local hardware store here to pickup the parts.


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