Brush painting a tractor

grandpa Love

Well-known Member
Not looking for perfect. Just want
everything one color. 3 hours of
degreaser and pressure washing.
Light sanding. Wipe it down. Got
one coat of paint on. Looks fairly
good. Will need a 2nd coat. Should
I wet sand between coats? Very few
brush strokes are showing. Also is
a more expensive brush better?


(quoted from post at 21:11:24 05/10/19) Not looking for perfect. Just want
everything one color. 3 hours of
degreaser and pressure washing.
Light sanding. Wipe it down. Got
one coat of paint on. Looks fairly
good. Will need a 2nd coat. Should
I wet sand between coats? Very few
brush strokes are showing. Also is
a more expensive brush better?


&lt;img src=""&gt;

In my experience yes a more expensive brush is better. I'm speaking of buying a $20 instead of $5 brush. No comparison. Natural bristles a must for oil base IMO. There is something appealing about brush strokes in a paint job.
Better than a harbor freight brush but I wouldn't get carried away with it. They are getting a lot better at making cheap brushes. Assuming you are using an alkyd enamel it isn't necessary to wet sand. you could dry sand with a 220 or finer grit paper. The best way to minimize brush marks is to apply the paint with as few strokes as you can and move on. The more you brush paint the more air gets into the paint and causes it to set up before it has a chance to flow out. If you are still having brush marks show a lot you could add some Flood Penetrol to the paint to slow the drying time down. This probably wouldn't be necessary until hot weather.
You don't need a better brush of your not getting brush strokes. A flow enhancer like Penetrol also eliminates brush strokes. Some paints will lay very flat with a brush.
I use small 6 in rollers too. Thick paint works better for me. Short fiber roller

I just turned 70 but last summer I bought my first really good paint brush for painting the wood work in our kitchen. I was super impressed with how much better that good brush worked than the others I have always used. It took a lot less time and effort.

Have you tried the microfiber rollers yet? I'd highly recommend those over bigger areas. Run tape over any roller to remove any rogue lint, etc.

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