So I made a huge mistake and ran my 5500 out of oil. Makes me sick.
Smoke came out of the breather. I figure that was any remaining oil on the bearings being cooked off. I replaced the oil praying it would help. It didn’t. The damage had been done. I had a load of logs that I needed to get off a trailer.
Im obviously not running it anymore but it was struggling to run. I assume the crank bearings are tightening? Or it’s lost compression on a cylinder or two. Its got a loud knock from the top end. Would top end knock be bad rings or wrist pin? What damages first with no oil?
I’m in the process of taking the pan off, which I’m not sure I have the clearance. But I want to see if I can take the rod caps off and pull the pistons out of the top. I was hoping just to do the lower bearings from underneath but I fear I’ve damaged the rings or pistons also. I plan on taking a peek with a borescope this weekend. The pan is super stuck on and I need to make a puller to try and yank it down.
I’ve got about 1-1/4” between the engine mounts and the front of pan. I’m hoping it will lower enough to drop down. I don’t have the shop space yet or a gantry to split the tractor. I’m hoping I don’t have to set this aside for a few years.
I know. I messed up big time.
Smoke came out of the breather. I figure that was any remaining oil on the bearings being cooked off. I replaced the oil praying it would help. It didn’t. The damage had been done. I had a load of logs that I needed to get off a trailer.
Im obviously not running it anymore but it was struggling to run. I assume the crank bearings are tightening? Or it’s lost compression on a cylinder or two. Its got a loud knock from the top end. Would top end knock be bad rings or wrist pin? What damages first with no oil?
I’m in the process of taking the pan off, which I’m not sure I have the clearance. But I want to see if I can take the rod caps off and pull the pistons out of the top. I was hoping just to do the lower bearings from underneath but I fear I’ve damaged the rings or pistons also. I plan on taking a peek with a borescope this weekend. The pan is super stuck on and I need to make a puller to try and yank it down.
I’ve got about 1-1/4” between the engine mounts and the front of pan. I’m hoping it will lower enough to drop down. I don’t have the shop space yet or a gantry to split the tractor. I’m hoping I don’t have to set this aside for a few years.
I know. I messed up big time.