Jeff in ND
A 2nd cousin who also does genealogy and we've shared info was wondering if I had any other sources for plat maps. He was trying to locate where G-grandpa and his grandpa were farming in the 1930 census. The census just gives the township and the box is checked for owned. We can't find anything on line that covers that area for that period of time.
Anyway, got me looking at several decades of census records for G-grandpa. So, he was renting a farm in a particular township in Renville Co in MN in the 1900 census. By 1905, the family moved to Rusk Co in WI and in the 1910 census owned a farm there. Family moves back to Renville Co in MN by 1920 but now own a different farm in a different township from 1900. By 1930, they have moved again to yet a different farm in another different township in Renville Co. Also marked as owned. Then by about 1935 moved again to a different county (Redwood) where they owned apparently farm #4 (farm #5 to live on).
So, I was thinking that moving around this much would be pretty much unheard on nowadays. Sure, some folks buy/sell/move their house for work or other reasons but farms?
My own grandparents lived on far as I know at least 3 different rented farms in the 20s and 30s before buying and moving for the last time to the place I grew up on. The buying/selling of all these places just seemed strange these days.
Anyway, got me looking at several decades of census records for G-grandpa. So, he was renting a farm in a particular township in Renville Co in MN in the 1900 census. By 1905, the family moved to Rusk Co in WI and in the 1910 census owned a farm there. Family moves back to Renville Co in MN by 1920 but now own a different farm in a different township from 1900. By 1930, they have moved again to yet a different farm in another different township in Renville Co. Also marked as owned. Then by about 1935 moved again to a different county (Redwood) where they owned apparently farm #4 (farm #5 to live on).
So, I was thinking that moving around this much would be pretty much unheard on nowadays. Sure, some folks buy/sell/move their house for work or other reasons but farms?
My own grandparents lived on far as I know at least 3 different rented farms in the 20s and 30s before buying and moving for the last time to the place I grew up on. The buying/selling of all these places just seemed strange these days.