Calling Tractorvet IH 706 PTO Pin

Farmall 706 PTO was working fine one day, went out the next and nothing. Just pulled the control valve bottom plug. The little pin is definitely sheared off. Based on the diagram, it looks like the upper valve portion didn’t come out. Tried popping the lever up and down a couple times.

Am I reading the diagram right, I’m missing a part? If so, what’s the trick to get it out for pin replacement?

Is that a part of the upper mechanism and I need to disconnect it on the outside for it to fall out?

Item #26 is the one in question. 27 is the new pin I bought sitting on the towel.


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tractor vet doesn't come here anymore. Last seen December 22, 2023, the day before the cutover to the new forum system.

There's no trick to getting it out. It should just come out. The half held by the PTO lever comes out the top, and the rest should fall out the bottom when you remove the plug.
Wasn’t all that bad. I wouldn’t call it a fun job though. Did have to remove the lower drawbar support. Then the valve just shimmies on up in. Back in business though. New radiator and PTO working again, time to cut some more hay!
The piece you move when you pull the lever is the top half of the valve. you have to unscrew it from the block pinned to the lever linkage. Count the turns so it is back where you started. The threads are what you use to adjust the pressure on the PTO clutch with. Drop the top half out the bottom replace the pin and slip it all back in and reconnect things back together. The hole at the top of the valve stem is for a pin nail or whatever to turn it with after the jam nut is loosened. IT will also work to hold it up while you put the plug back in on the bottom also.

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