Can you tag Members in posts by User Name?


Well-known Member
Can you tag a member in a post by their username where it notifies them you're asking them a question or "looking for them".?
Can you tag a member in a post by their username where it notifies them you're asking them a question or "looking for them".?
Check out this thread...........
(If your looking to "private message them".)

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Can you tag a member in a post by their username where it notifies them you're asking them a question or "looking for them".?
@RTR Type @ and start typing their user name and a pull down with choices will show up. choose the one you want.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 10.53.35 AM.png
Clicking on the avatar of the user you want to reach will give you the option to start a conversation, in most cases. A few have set their preferences such that they don't allow conversations (private messages).


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