Can't Find Injection Pump Banjo - MF30B Perkins


New User
Hi All,

I'm having a terrible time finding a fitting for the injection pump on my 3cyl perkins for my 30B. The Parts manual I have shows a different fitting, similar to the one listed here:

The part I'm looking for is a banjo adapter like the one above, except it bolts to the back of the pump (between the pump and the engine block). extends toward the back of the engine, then 90s straight up, presumably making it easier to attach the fuel line. These adapters all have a shoulder on the side that seals to the pump to space it out from the body.

Because it's on the back of the pump, I can't get a picture, but I will remove the pump to get one if need be, seeing as how it will have to come off to be replaced anyway.

Does anyone have a spare laying around or know where I can get one?

Thanks in advance,


P.S - Some backstory on this and a secondary question: Since buying the tractor it has been down on power. When I load it up, it doesn't smoke at all, just bogs down and dies. I've been using it for cutting and baling hay and it's worked great for my small haying equipment, but when trying to pull a cultivator with it, it will bog down and die with little real load on it. I would have expected it to dump a bit of black smoke from the exhaust as the engine is loaded up, but it doesn't smoke at all. The throttle response is laggy as well, which lead me to believe the engine was not getting enough fuel. Following a number of youtube videos showing similar symptoms, the conclusion was that there was the possibility of a gummed-up injection pump. I pulled the pump apart and cleaned everything, installed all new seals, and when I was installing this bajo fitting/adapter, I mistook the step on one side to be a stuck crush washer, and proceeded to destroy the sealing surface on the fitting. Because I didn't have any spare fittings like the one I'm now searching for, I attempted to grind the damage out and flatten the fitting, not thinking about the fact that it needed that step in order to clear the pump body. Once I discovered that it wasn't going to work, I double-washered it and installed it anyway, hence why it's back on the tractor, and of course, leaking (Stupid, I know)
Hi All,

I'm having a terrible time finding a fitting for the injection pump on my 3cyl perkins for my 30B. The Parts manual I have shows a different fitting, similar to the one listed here:

The part I'm looking for is a banjo adapter like the one above, except it bolts to the back of the pump (between the pump and the engine block). extends toward the back of the engine, then 90s straight up, presumably making it easier to attach the fuel line. These adapters all have a shoulder on the side that seals to the pump to space it out from the body.

Because it's on the back of the pump, I can't get a picture, but I will remove the pump to get one if need be, seeing as how it will have to come off to be replaced anyway.

Does anyone have a spare laying around or know where I can get one?

Thanks in advance,


P.S - Some backstory on this and a secondary question: Since buying the tractor it has been down on power. When I load it up, it doesn't smoke at all, just bogs down and dies. I've been using it for cutting and baling hay and it's worked great for my small haying equipment, but when trying to pull a cultivator with it, it will bog down and die with little real load on it. I would have expected it to dump a bit of black smoke from the exhaust as the engine is loaded up, but it doesn't smoke at all. The throttle response is laggy as well, which lead me to believe the engine was not getting enough fuel. Following a number of youtube videos showing similar symptoms, the conclusion was that there was the possibility of a gummed-up injection pump. I pulled the pump apart and cleaned everything, installed all new seals, and when I was installing this bajo fitting/adapter, I mistook the step on one side to be a stuck crush washer, and proceeded to destroy the sealing surface on the fitting. Because I didn't have any spare fittings like the one I'm now searching for, I attempted to grind the damage out and flatten the fitting, not thinking about the fact that it needed that step in order to clear the pump body. Once I discovered that it wasn't going to work, I double-washered it and installed it anyway, hence why it's back on the tractor, and of course, leaking (Stupid, I know)
Pump MIGHT not be calibrated right far as full load fuel setting goes during full load use. I MIGHT have that fitting from my good used parts stash but need to see the old one first.

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