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Don't know if anyone is interested or not, I have a 420B that could be for sale if the price was right. The engine (148 gas) has been completely overhauled; new sleeves, pistons, rings, bearings, gaskets, seals, head rebuilt, new crankshaft, block was tanked and checked for cracks, runs great, good oil pressure, stays cool. I don't have a backhoe for it, the John Deere one that came on it was JUNK. I have a weight bracket made for it, used it for years as a loader tractor. It's pretty much together except the sheet metal, which i have. The loader is in decent shape; two hydraulic leaks and the bucket is hammered. The glass in the dash is broke, having a hard time finding one. The engine has only a few hours on it. Some of the issues could possibly be taken care of if there was any interest.
Don't know if anyone is interested or not, I have a 420B that could be for sale if the price was right. The engine (148 gas) has been completely overhauled; new sleeves, pistons, rings, bearings, gaskets, seals, head rebuilt, new crankshaft, block was tanked and checked for cracks, runs great, good oil pressure, stays cool. I don't have a backhoe for it, the John Deere one that came on it was JUNK. I have a weight bracket made for it, used it for years as a loader tractor. It's pretty much together except the sheet metal, which i have. The loader is in decent shape; two hydraulic leaks and the bucket is hammered. The glass in the dash is broke, having a hard time finding one. The engine has only a few hours on it. Some of the issues could possibly be taken care of if there was any interest.
Where is it located, and how much?

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