
Mt Washington KY
will the case 430 handle a tiller for the garden. I'm looking at one now with no battery and 2 tires low on air. Owner says only thing wrong with tractor is bad starter. The tractor looks good and solid, not a lot of rust on it. Owner is not able to work on tractors anymore. Is house bound with oxygen on all the time. He's second owner after his aunt willed it to him. I can't find the ID tag. Should be on lower dash I think? Any comments or replies are appreciated. Pembroke
Regarding power steering. My 300 wide front is the easiest non-power steering tractor I have ever driven. Guessing 430 steering is the same but don't know that for a fact. If so, by the time you hang a tiller on the back, it would steer really easy. There are lots of turns to turn the wheels lock to lock, but that might be one of the reasons it steers easy.
Look at this video, If your tractor does not have power steering it will not have the cylinders.


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will the case 430 handle a tiller for the garden. I'm looking at one now with no battery and 2 tires low on air. Owner says only thing wrong with tractor is bad starter. The tractor looks good and solid, not a lot of rust on it. Owner is not able to work on tractors anymore. Is house bound with oxygen on all the time. He's second owner after his aunt willed it to him. I can't find the ID tag. Should be on lower dash I think? Any comments or replies are appreciated. Pembroke
Any updates on your bad starter? I’m thinking mine just went as it won’t start now. Had it running a week ago, changed the oil, and now can’t even jumpstart it.

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