Case 530CK transmission separation help needed


New User
Hi all, I am trying to separate the transmission gear "cage" from the rear axle on a 530CK backhoe from the 60's. I have a compiled Case manual that shows separating the axle from the torque tube and then jumps to disassembly of the gearing from it's "cage". The manual states remove the gear assembly from the axle assembly (more or less) but doesn't break it down clearly and mine doesn't want to let go after what appears to be everything holding it together addressed. Anyone here have some helpful info per chance?
(Notes: the only thing that seems to be left holding things together is a roll pinned collar on the axle housing side of the cage. Also, for clarity sake the cage I am referring to is the cast iron cube(s) that the drive gearing is assembled into)
If you are referring to the split ahead of the 4 speed shifter they are generally an easy split. There are two nuts inside the cover at the top that could be easy to miss if you never did this job before, other than that if all the nuts are off its just breaking the gasket loose. If I am misinterpreting the post and you already have it split and are trying to get the box off the rear housing there is nothing but the 3/8 nuts holding it in place, just stuck on the gasket
Sorry, I should have added some words to this at another's suggestion. Yes I have it split and I am trying to get the box (two of them technically, bolted together with the gears and gaskets) . I have the gasket released go but there is something holding still.
See attached picture. Where the pencil is pointing is where the gears are separating in the rear ward section. from there towards the rear axle/housing unit seems to be retaining everything even with some force applied. The only thing I see on this section is a roll pinned collar like item (right under the silver nut in the picture).

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