Case 930 Wants To Start, But Won't?


I have a 1966 Case 930 CK 6 Speed Hand Clutch Western Special that I bought recently, but I can't quite get it to turn over. Turning the key seems like it would turn the starter, but it clicks, starts to turn and then just cuts the power to the dash. Anyone know what's wrong?
Have u checked the battery’s ??? Is the first place to go. And if the battery’s are up to snuff and jumping the s terminal on the starter solenoid to the main pos. Power cable don’t turn it over u have starter problems. Not there with eyes and hands on it so that’s all u get till u get back with what u have going on. Give us some info. First start up ? Or it was starting good and then this ? So it can be anything from a stuck engine to A bad starter.
First start, however the engine is definitely free, turned it over a few revolutions with a crowbar. I'm running one 1000 CCA 12v battery, so I'll try jumping the terminals, thanks!
That's a good idea, thanks! The starter looked alright inside though, it was pretty clean
that is why i said to jump it at solenoid. if cables and battery is good that leaves the starter . but yes u can pull it but that wont fine your problem.
Ah, that makes really good sense, I've just been slipping my cables on the battery and not securing them. Thanks!
I am getting 12v at the input connection to the main tractor power though (drops to 9.5 at the switch connection)
Ah, that makes really good sense, I've just been slipping my cables on the battery and not securing them. Thanks!
I am getting 12v at the input connection to the main tractor power though (drops to 9.5 at the switch connection)
well why not make sure your connections are tight . your asking for a fix and i would think a person would do all he can to make sure full battery power is getting to the starter. my reply is if your battery and cables are good as i said.
well why not make sure your connections are tight . your asking for a fix and i would think a person would do all he can to make sure full battery power is getting to the starter. my reply is if your battery and cables are good as i said.
many times what a person gets told,... is not what the mechanic sees.
Those had a decompression lever on the back side of the engine you could pull that to release the compression then see if it turns over after you tighten your cables and check things out. Some times if it spins good decompressed it will help the starter to then start with the engine already spinning over. We used to do that with ours sometimes if the battery was a bit low. Really was a good tractor if you could stomach that bassacwards hand clutch. Can't remember if the lever was on the right or left side. Could reach it from the op station while cranking. With rice tires it would not pull the hat off your head in sandy dirt. On clay it was about unstoppable. Our 830 gas would out pull it on sand. In wet clay ground the 806 would not pull with it .
i just told u how to test it, before u pull it. try that then report back.
Well, the battery connections are fine, 12v to the solenoid. However when I go to turn the tractor over, the power shuts off and I have to disconnect the battery, wait a few mins and then try again...

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