Case 930 Wants To Start, But Won't?

Never know, he might be stalking your coffee shop! You find the right YT post you can see him on his tractor in a tractor pull.
Your safe ! I got no time for coffee shops or sitting around telling tales. Always working on a tractor. Much sooner have a shot of whiskey 🥃and then shoot some tractor talk. I got lots of pulling videos on u tube. U guys just have not found them !
Your safe ! I got no time for coffee shops or sitting around telling tales. Always working on a tractor. Much sooner have a shot of whiskey 🥃and then shoot some tractor talk. I got lots of pulling videos on u tube. U guys just have not found them !
Always better to be doing something lol, hate sitting around
Well come on down, if it’s a tractor ur looking for u just might find one here !
SUCCESS! she runs, kicked a bunch of dirt out the exhaust, but she started pretty quick, doesn't even smoke when she's running. Thanks for the help!
Thanks! Definitely more knowledgable when it comes to electrical systems lol. Next project won't be as difficult 😂
That is funny ! It only took a month to find a bad connection and get the tractor started before freeze up. That’s why I said I could have drove there and u would would have had it really quick. Thought u might name the tractor hopeless case. Lol.
Just spinning the starter off the tractor with a different battery or even the one in the tractor tells you very little that is why we keep telling you to try it on the tractor. the engine will load test it if you will listen to what is being said and you don't need a load tester. If the voltage drops significantly when engaged you have a bad battery if not then your cable need some work. This method will also bypass your electrical system to isolate the starter from the rest of the system by gonign from the battery to the starter with a jumper wire. IF it starts then you know the problem is then in the wiring some place probably the ignition switch. Trouble shoot first.
That is funny ! It only took a month to find a bad connection and get the tractor started before freeze up. That’s why I said I could have drove there and u would would have had it really quick. Thought u might name the tractor hopeless case. Lol.
😂 It's still plenty warm here, just glad I managed to learn some stuff about electrical systems. Also do you know where the brake return springs mount? I can't find the second point.
Just spinning the starter off the tractor with a different battery or even the one in the tractor tells you very little that is why we keep telling you to try it on the tractor. the engine will load test it if you will listen to what is being said and you don't need a load tester. If the voltage drops significantly when engaged you have a bad battery if not then your cable need some work. This method will also bypass your electrical system to isolate the starter from the rest of the system by gonign from the battery to the starter with a jumper wire. IF it starts then you know the problem is then in the wiring some place probably the ignition switch. Trouble shoot first.
Starter works great, I just needed a positive battery connector and she fired right up

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