Case Centennial B plow tail wheel


Union County
How do I remove the tail wheel on a Case Centennial trip plow? Do I have to take apart the entire bearing housing or can I just remove the 3 nuts and pull it off as a complete unit?
Needs a new tube and tire.


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From the picture, why not just take your tire changing tools, energy, and ingenuity and change the tire and tube while still on the plow? But yes, most likely the 3 bolts and nuts and you are on the way to the shop or tire store for new rubber.
Apparently it’s embedded dirt where you have to Jack it up ,
Drive it around and break it loose off tire bead of rim , save the hammers on the tire irons.
take to tire shop and have them remove ,
i think depends on condition of rim ,may have to descale and primer and paint or replace rim ,can’t tell from that photo .should take one to three days with poor condition of rim. Check the axle bearingscgive them a good cleaning ang fresh grease . Or replace them .
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How do I remove the tail wheel on a Case Centennial trip plow? Do I have to take apart the entire bearing housing or can I just remove the 3 nuts and pull it off as a complete unit?
Needs a new tube and tire.
If it's anything like other plows of the time, it's not a "bearing" per se, but a simple brass or bronze bushing.

Should not have to remove any more than just the cast cap on the end of the hub, then slip the rim off once the three lug nuts are removed.

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