Case excavators weight ??


Hello I am trying to find the weights of case excavators the weights if found for a 880c 32100# , 980 46800# , but my ?? is on the 1080 it shows 35620 # I thought that 1080 would be larger then the 980. just becuase of the model number . Thanks Bryan
Hello I am trying to find the weights of case excavators the weights if found for a 880c 32100# , 980 46800# , but my ?? is on the 1080 it shows 35620 # I thought that 1080 would be larger then the 980. just becuase of the model number . Thanks Bryan

40,000 plus/minus pounds. Here is a brochure for the B series which should be about the same, depending on how it is equipped.

1080B brochure

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