Case haybine DCX131 timing disks??


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So the cutter had a break down when one of the bolts came loose an allowed the bar to sagg damaging the fourth turtle. I repaired the turtle and bar back to normal and attempted to get all 10 disks to time properly. No matter what i do six stay in time and the four on the other side move out of time when the pto brings them up to speed. Ive readjusted the several times but it seems something may be damaged. There are shafts on both sides with one shaft driving the six on the left and one driving the four on the right. The disk timing goes out at the fourth disk where they meet. Any ideas? I think newholland bars are the same design.
Hello Dean, welcome to YT! I have never worked on one of those. A guy I watch on YouTube worked on a SP Deere not to long ago. Are you certain you didn’t miss some sheared off teeth? All I can do is direct you to a downloadable manual, double checking what you are doing again the manual would be my only advice. CIH DCX131 repair manual
So the cutter had a break down when one of the bolts came loose an allowed the bar to sagg damaging the fourth turtle. I repaired the turtle and bar back to normal and attempted to get all 10 disks to time properly. No matter what i do six stay in time and the four on the other side move out of time when the pto brings them up to speed. Ive readjusted the several times but it seems something may be damaged. There are shafts on both sides with one shaft driving the six on the left and one driving the four on the right. The disk timing goes out at the fourth disk where they meet. Any ideas? I think newholland bars are the same design.
Had a NH1431 for many years . A drive shaft between the turtle units is probably out--spline slipping. I remember taking all 10 units apart and checking and reversing or replacing drive shafts. A lot of work. Your newer unit should have shear turtle hubs to protect drive somewhat but one rock or turtle out of time can shear 2 or more.

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