Case vac painted red white and blue

Jeff S

New User
I just purchased a 1951 VAC. The last owner told me when he purchased this tractor it was painted red white and blue. He has owned the tractor over 20 years. Just wondering if it could have been painted at the factory this way as a demo or for show.
Got a Picture ?, very doubtful if that paint job was done at factory ,,.probably occured during the thrill years of the Spirit of 1976 2 cents
Even though farmer Brown had it 20 years, there were 38 years he didn't have it when it would have been repainted, I agree with Jim.

I have seen a VAC with the sheet metal painted white and the cast iron Flambeau red or power red any way it looked pretty good setting in front of a CASE Power and Equipment store. To each his own. Barry.
Barry, not saying that you couldn't paint your tractor purple with green polka dots if that is what floats you boat. All Jim and I were saying is that we din't think that was the factory paint just because the previous owner had the tractor for 20 years. Right now the tractor is 68 years old and had "38 years prior" to the past owner purchasing it and my math was wrong, its been 48 years. Its been 32 years since 1976 which means that there were 12 years from the bicenntineal year and the previous owner's purchase of the tractor. A lot of people showed their patriotism and painted lots of stuff red, white and blue in the year or two up to and including 1976.
I guess I should have said I agree with Jim also. But there are some interesting paint jobs out there. A couple of layers of paint is maybe easier to restore than rust and pits. Barry.
Couldn't agree with you more on the couple of layers of paint. My cast parts on the 630 have at least 2 maybe more and are not rusty. Tin only has 2 coats on top surfaces and undersides are pretty rusty. It also looks like a former owner didn't know that pan seat tilted up to allow water to drain as it is pretty pitted.
Yes I have a seat like that on my 210-b-h. It even has a few holes in it, but it sets up the right height and is straight because some one welded it in to position. Ya don't need those expensive rubber things when you have a welder.

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