Cement Poured

Rock Island County, Illinois. seniors over 65 that make less than $65,000 can sign up to freeze the assessment value on their property on a yearly basis.
Same thing here in St. Charles Co. Mo. this year, but no income strings, only 65 or older. Real estate tax is froze, but they stuck it to us last year with a big increase to cushion themselves. Have to reapply every year.
If they're on z-map you can find out.
I do look, but, again, not everyone is on the map. A lot of individuals don't know it exists, and it is separate from this site, I think.

Just putting in something like "Central KY" or "Near Juneau", would be extremely helpful. Not putting in a location is sort of a lost cause, anyway, as a Google (tm) search can easily locate most everyone.

"The weather here is just great; lots of sunshine, cool breezes, good beverages of choice". Sounds really great, but could be Martha's Vineyard in the summertime, or Hawaii or Australia. One never knows, and could post completely inappropriate comments. I hope everyone sees my point on this, but your choice. zuhnc
That is like the difference between motor and engine. They are different but both used to describe the same thing. Around here, most everyone pours cement meaning concrete.
Super 99 .... yes, the age old argument .... motor vs engine. Did you ever notice that maybe 99% of the stuff you buy to pour into that little filler hole under the hood of your car or truck is labelled and advertised as MOTOR oil, not engine oil? I think you should have a protest sit-in near the Exxon Mobil headquarters in Spring, Texas.

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