Centaur 2G Tractor Leroi Engine Parts

Good morning everyone. I am looking for advice, parts and a parts manual for a Leroi engine fitted to a Centaur 2G Tractor. Can anybody help ?
I am looking for a parts list, carburettor, magneto, valves, valve springs, collets if fitted, pistons, rings, piston pins, main bearings, thrust bearings, gaskets.
The engine is a a leroi 2 cylinder petrol about 10hp or 12hp. I have read that most of the small 2 cylinder engines share the same internal parts.
I do not know the engine model type as I can find nothing on the engine that states this. I have the serial number on the leroi engine plate but no model or type no.
Pistons are 3 11/16" OD x 3.5" High.
I have attached a some photo's of the engine block.


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Well when I could not find pistons for my Fordson F . I had Wisco In Mentor ,Ohio make them for me. I wasted almost two years trying find pistons for the engine that cylinders were worn required.08 over piston . So this what I recommend . Got the rings , they were from Hastings .Its was a coordinated effort between my engine builder ,Wisco ,Hastings and myself.
I don’t recommend egge . Not going to waste your time , why .
The pistons for this Centaur came from Egge.about 15-18 years ago.While cleaning out his shop I also found a big piston in a box,it was custom built by Egge,and only a few months old.It was over 6 inches in diameter,so we suspect it was for one of the pieces the scrap boys got away with.I had no problems with Egge,years ago they made me a pair of pistons for a Murphey diesel.They told me it would be 6-8 months,and 6 months later they showed up.

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