Changing fan belt on a DC


Well-known Member
In a weak moment I decided to install a generator belt. The previous owner never had a belt on it. With no lights and mag ignition it didn't need much and he'd just throw a charger on it once in a while. I'd like to improve that situation, and now skinned knuckles later, I'm asking for help. The fan belt is off and I have a new belt (thanks my personal parts supplier John and Chris S). It's been jimmied over 3 of the fan blades and that's as far as it can go. It needs at least an inch more length to get over the 4th blade. What am I doing wrong? Other than getting up this morning............ Thanks for your thoughts - Larry
In a weak moment I decided to install a generator belt. The previous owner never had a belt on it. With no lights and mag ignition it didn't need much and he'd just throw a charger on it once in a while. I'd like to improve that situation, and now skinned knuckles later, I'm asking for help. The fan belt is off and I have a new belt (thanks my personal parts supplier John and Chris S). It's been jimmied over 3 of the fan blades and that's as far as it can go. It needs at least an inch more length to get over the 4th blade. What am I doing wrong? Other than getting up this morning............ Thanks for your thoughts - Larry
I take the fan off and slide the gen belt between the fan and water pump. I've had that struggle before too trying to get it over the fan
In a weak moment I decided to install a generator belt. The previous owner never had a belt on it. With no lights and mag ignition it didn't need much and he'd just throw a charger on it once in a while. I'd like to improve that situation, and now skinned knuckles later, I'm asking for help. The fan belt is off and I have a new belt (thanks my personal parts supplier John and Chris S). It's been jimmied over 3 of the fan blades and that's as far as it can go. It needs at least an inch more length to get over the 4th blade. What am I doing wrong? Other than getting up this morning............ Thanks for your thoughts - Larry

I think your situation is the reason there are so many segmented generator belts on D series tractors. It was not one of Case engineering department's best designs, similar to that stud on the back side of the carburetor. My Dad rarely used colorful language, but I can still hear him cuss out that generator belt installation routine 60 years later.
In a weak moment I decided to install a generator belt. The previous owner never had a belt on it. With no lights and mag ignition it didn't need much and he'd just throw a charger on it once in a while. I'd like to improve that situation, and now skinned knuckles later, I'm asking for help. The fan belt is off and I have a new belt (thanks my personal parts supplier John and Chris S). It's been jimmied over 3 of the fan blades and that's as far as it can go. It needs at least an inch more length to get over the 4th blade. What am I doing wrong? Other than getting up this morning............ Thanks for your thoughts - Larry
I usually take the radiator loose and tip it forward to get the fan off. Lately I buy link belt and slide it around the pulleys and button it together. Dad used it on his DCs when I was a great.

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