Changing sherman shifter cable

Doug Wi

Working at changing the rusted shifter cable. advice says you can work through the steering box hole ,looks doable But you have to disconnect the steering arms somehow. Thought just use a puller to pull the arms off the steering box, but not enough room to get a pullers teeth between the box and the arm. The 2 ball type joints both have the nut on the inside or bottom so can't geta good crack at them to get them loose. . or is there enough slack so you can lift the steer box up enough with a hoist so you can work with the cable? Thanks for any insight
Got it apart. Took the nuts off the front drag links and put a jack on the bolt. Jacked it up and then rapped it from the top. Both popped free quite easily.
Another way is to back the nuts off enough to protect the threads and then drive a wedge, think splitting wedge, down between the nut and the housing.
You can only access the Sherman thru the steering box if it’s an 8n or later not a 9n/2n. You didn’t say which tractor you’re working on

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