Clear coat questions...on my 70


New User
Restoring a 70 - I'm not a pro by any means. I've painted in the past, but I want this one to look extra sharp. Did a little test area of clear coat last night (my first attempt at that). Looks very nice. Do you put hardener in clear coats? My base has a hardener in it. Also, I noticed an exceptional fog/mist when I did it. Do you run clear at lower pressures than paint? Will that fog actually stick to things in my shop, or fall as harmless dry dust? I had already taken down my protective plastic from painting the green. I have a HVLP gun. Thanks
You have to add a catalyst to the clear and that's it. As for the clear overspray, yes it will get everywhere if you don't have a good exhaust fan. You can buff it out though if need be.

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