Clutch on case 1370


New User
Until my manuals come in.
Is the clutch adjustable on a early case 1370, 540 turbo? I just got the tractor , it runs great but only grinds when trying to put in gear with pedal depressed
Outside of checking to make sure the clutch linkage is connected and operating the valve correctly as best you can tell. I know what I would do to check it out farther but it is really to dangerous to suggest to someone on an open forum. Doing a thorough pressure test per the Case repair manual is what is needed. You might try posting this on the YT “Case and David Brown” forum in the manufacturers section. There is a possibility some of the guys that know these Cases don’t wonder into the Tractor Talk forum. Hope you bought it at a price that allows you to do some spending in the trans, my prediction is that you will need to split it to get it operational again. But you never know, a week or so ago someone with a JD 4020 PS had a problem and it turned out a gasket had blow on an external spool valve block. He replaced it and all was good.
Until my manuals come in.
Is the clutch adjustable on a early case 1370, 540 turbo? I just got the tractor , it runs great but only grinds when trying to put in gear with pedal depressed
U.R. gave you good advice about posting on the CASE Forum.

Do you know if the transmission was working when the tractor was parked? If it WAS, the problem MAY be a stuck shift valve after sitting idle. There 4 (IIRC) and they have been known to stick in the aluminum powershift valve body.

As with ANY powershift tractor be VERY careful working on this, if something unexpected happens and the tractor lurches into "gear" and takes off unexpectedly it can be DEADLY.

It's a good idea to make sure the "PARK" mechanism is in working order BEFORE proceeding to transmission troubleshooting.
U.R. gave you good advice about posting on the CASE Forum.

Do you know if the transmission was working when the tractor was parked? If it WAS, the problem MAY be a stuck shift valve after sitting idle. There 4 (IIRC) and they have been known to stick in the aluminum powershift valve body.

As with ANY powershift tractor be VERY careful working on this, if something unexpected happens and the tractor lurches into "gear" and takes off unexpectedly it can be DEADLY.

It's a good idea to make sure the "PARK" mechanism is in working order BEFORE proceeding to transmission troubleshooting.
I was told that the tractor drove in and was parked with no problem. I don't know if low tfd would cause this or not but something has been leaking all over so im trying to check things without having the manuals to refer to. Also the pedal seems very low and soft though I don't know what it should be like. Thanks for the advise.
There is no clutch as most think on a 1370. The clutch release happens by releasing the shift clutches. The only adjustments for that are in the shift valve. Go down to the case forum and ask there for more knowledgeable answers.
Outside of checking to make sure the clutch linkage is connected and operating the valve correctly as best you can tell. I know what I would do to check it out farther but it is really to dangerous to suggest to someone on an open forum. Doing a thorough pressure test per the Case repair manual is what is needed. You might try posting this on the YT “Case and David Brown” forum in the manufacturers section. There is a possibility some of the guys that know these Cases don’t wonder into the Tractor Talk forum. Hope you bought it at a price that allows you to do some spending in the trans, my prediction is that you will need to split it to get it operational again. But you never know, a week or so ago someone with a JD 4020 PS had a problem and it turned out a gasket had blow on an external spool valve block. He replaced it and all was good.
The clutch pedal feels low and soft plus there is a lot of old fluid leaked all over the trans and final, and I can't tell if the sight windows show fluid but the pedal just doesn't feel right without knowing how a good pedal feels. I hope the manuals get here soon . The tractor has been sitting for almost a couple years now, but I was told it drove in fine and was parked with no issue. Thanks for your help.
I was told that the tractor drove in and was parked with no problem. I don't know if low tfd would cause this or not but something has been leaking all over so im trying to check things without having the manuals to refer to. Also the pedal seems very low and soft though I don't know what it should be like. Thanks for the advise.
Sorry 10point missed your greeting, welcome to YT! That is somewhat normal for the clutch because as I said above the pedal only operates a valve. 2016 YT post on 1370 clutch Here is a YT post that may be helpful. It looks like all those guys are still active on YT! mEl, is very knowledgeable on those PS tractors. Here is a link to the parts diagrams/catalog. Clutch pack C2, is essentially the main clutch. CNHI Case 1370 parts catalog
What kind of experience you have with tractor repair?
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Sorry 10point missed your greeting, welcome to YT! That is somewhat normal for the clutch because as I said above the pedal only operates a valve. Here is a YT post that may be helpful. It looks like all those guys are still active on YT! mEl, is very knowledgeable on those PS tractors. Here is a link to the parts diagrams/catalog. Clutch pack C2, is essentially the main clutch. CNHI Case 1370 parts catalog
What kind of experience you have with tractor repair?
I don't have any knowledge or experience on these. Hope it's something simple but my experience is all in cars and ford diesel pickups.
Sorry 10point missed your greeting, welcome to YT! That is somewhat normal for the clutch because as I said above the pedal only operates a valve. Here is a YT post that may be helpful. It looks like all those guys are still active on YT! mEl, is very knowledgeable on those PS tractors. Here is a link to the parts diagrams/catalog. Clutch pack C2, is essentially the main clutch. CNHI Case 1370 parts catalog
What kind of experience you have with tractor repair?
BTW, Thank you much for your help.
Sorry 10point missed your greeting, welcome to YT! That is somewhat normal for the clutch because as I said above the pedal only operates a valve. 2016 YT post on 1370 clutch Here is a YT post that may be helpful. It looks like all those guys are still active on YT! mEl, is very knowledgeable on those PS tractors. Here is a link to the parts diagrams/catalog. Clutch pack C2, is essentially the main clutch. CNHI Case 1370 parts catalog
What kind of experience you have with tractor repair?
Thanks for the reference post to my problem. I read what mEl said and I am going to the yard and check it all to see if it helps me, though I need manuals (coming soon) to help me, I hope to get some insight from this.
Thanks again.

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