Cockshutt 580 and a utility question


Well-known Member
Some of us were sitting and talking Cockshutt at a show recently. I asked the most knowledgeable of them if he'd seen the 580. He said he hadn't. I saw it at a show in Indiana 25 years or so ago. That led to how many there were. If memory serves me right, there were 3 built? Are there two left or just one? If just one, where is it? He said he thought somebody in Ohio owns it. I was thinking that when I saw it, somebody in Pennsylvania did. Does that sound right?

Also, wasn't there a Cockshutt utility that was made by somebody else? Not the Cockshutt built 540, not the Fiat built 1250, not the Oliver 550. Seems like there was one built by MM or something? Or am I dreaming?

Edit: I did some searching. It was the 1350 that I was thinking of. It was a MM Jet Star 3 Super. Still curious where the 580 is though.
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Cockshutt 422 utility was built by Fiat.
Ya, it was the 1350 I was thinking about though. I've got a 1365 that was Fiat built. That 1350 was an interesting crossover by White Motors. I'd sure like to come across one. I've got some MM and Cockshutt friends who'd be a little green with jealousy if I showed up with it.
The one and only original restored 580 is in MARYLAND USA. It is under some engine repair and is back out of the barn or soon. The other two are in Ontario. one has been scraped.

COCKSHUTT imported the Italy built Fiat 411 R and the 411 RG for the CANADIAN Market was GAS the other was approx. 1960. After the OLIVER take over of COCKSHUTT in 1962, Oliver built upon the COCKSHUTT developed FIAT Relationship for the Fiat distribution in CANADA and the USA replacing the British built DAVID BROWN.......The White tractor line changed from FIAT to JAPAN ISECHI in 1974-76 or 76.

Phil Heisey
The one and only original restored 580 is in MARYLAND USA. It is under some engine repair and is back out of the barn or soon. The other two are in Ontario. one has been scraped.

COCKSHUTT imported the Italy built Fiat 411 R and the 411 RG for the CANADIAN Market was GAS the other was approx. 1960. After the OLIVER take over of COCKSHUTT in 1962, Oliver built upon the COCKSHUTT developed FIAT Relationship for the Fiat distribution in CANADA and the USA replacing the British built DAVID BROWN.......The White tractor line changed from FIAT to JAPAN ISECKI in 1974-76 or 76.

Phil Heisey
Thanks for the update on the 580 Phil. I appreciate it. I know the David Brown, Fiat, Cockshutt Oliver story. I've got three of the DB built tractors and a Cockshutt 1365. I've read about the Fiat deal continuing with White after DB established their own dealer network. I can remember seeing one of the Iseki built utilities at the White dealer when they came out and replaced the Fiat builts. Too bad the early Fiat builts gave them such a bad reputation, the later ones were a great tractor.

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