Cockshutt oliver 550 tractors


Well-known Member
Did cockshutt have a version of the oliver 550 utility? It was also made by white as 2-44. I know moline did not have them. Cockshutt AND Moline had the fiat, long, universal ones. Like 1365.
Yes. I have pictures of them in red and cream in my other computer.
Didn't want to hijack the other thread on Cockshutt. seems like there was a 540 550 570 so in essence two models of 550. A guy north of me had one of them Oliver 550 types plus quite a few other Cockshutt tractors. The 1365 (or some such) and the 540/570
Yes. What we always called the rebadged Oliver ones the 'fake' 550. Both the earlier genuine Coskhutt 550 and the later rebadged Oillie were great tractors though. I like the true Cockshutt ones best myself, but that's more personal preference than anything.

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