Cockshutt (Oliver) 550

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Wow, looks great! I know how much work, time and money it takes to get one looking like that. Enjoy it.
Yes they did.

The cream colour was only used for a couple of years after the purchase of Cockshutt and then all Cockshutts went red and white.
Funny they didn't use a spear on the hood for the decal. They did on the 540 utility didn't they?

White killed the Cockshutt 550 and 540 immediately after buying Cockshutt. They just repainted Olivers to give Cockshutt dealers something to sell. They
did it with the 550, 660 and 770. You can find all three painted cream with Cockshutt on the side.

They are the only manufacturer who has repeated numbers. Deere did it with the 820 and 4320, and maybe more.

That looks great. Boy those tires sure look clean for being driven on that muddy road. Did you cheat and wash it off for the photo shoot? Ha.
This picture is the Brantford produced Cockshutt 550 that was built before White acquired the company and killed that tractor line. Notice the spear on the side of the tractor that is used on the "B" series Olivers and newer.

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