Colorado to Virginia


New User
I'm not sure this is the correct place to put this. I need an old Jeep pickup bed and accessories moved from Montrose, CO to central Va. Wondering if some members have any suggestions/experience.
I'm not sure this is the correct place to put this. I need an old Jeep pickup bed and accessories moved from Montrose, CO to central Va. Wondering if some members have any suggestions/experience.
I see this is your first post. No, this is not the place to post such, this forum is for members to discuss their personal methods of moving their equipment. This site is not for brokering or hiring transportation. Did you take time to read the information at the top, under the forum title on the page you had to open to post this thread here, before starting this thread? Sorry if this is harsh, but the info is plainly posted there.
Yes I did read everything that I could find about posting here. Obviously I didn't understand. That is why I said "sorry" to begin my post. I was not trying to hire anyone but asking for members' experiences. Goodbye.
Yes I did read everything that I could find about posting here. Obviously I didn't understand. That is why I said "sorry" to begin my post. I was not trying to hire anyone but asking for members' experiences. Goodbye.
Asking for "experiences and suggestions" is okay here in this section.

But........................honest curiosity question only........................what lead you to register on this tractor related forum in order to ask a question on shipping a pickup truck bed??

Did you do a google search and this website popped up on the first page of results?

If yes, what terms did you use when you did the google search?
The site was suggested to me by a member of a different forum. He said he had got help here through a section called Tractor/Parts moving. I couldn't find that section. And I see now that I didn't actually use the word "sorry" in my original post, so I'll say it now- sorry.
The site was suggested to me by a member of another forum. He said he had got help here on a section called Tractor/parts moving (I think). I couldn't find that section. And I see now that I didn't actually say the word "sorry" at the beginning of my original post, so I say it now-sorry. I also apologize if this is a duplicate reply.I thought I had already posted it but it didn't appear on my end.
The site was suggested to me by a member of a different forum. He said he had got help here through a section called Tractor/Parts moving. I couldn't find that section. And I see now that I didn't actually use the word "sorry" in my original post, so I'll say it now- sorry.

Thanks for the explanation, was curious to know if google, etc. would suggest this YT forum if searching "shipping a truck bed" vs "shipping a tractor hood" etc.

Or something similar.

Unless you can find a privateer going east, your likely regulated to truck shipping. And most will want it palletized.
Maybe up on end so that nothing can be stacked in or on top of it.
I have shipped stuff on a pallet and then made a wood "cage" shaped like a pup tent to go over it all to prevent the above stacking.
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Thanks. The seller did suggest a trucker, but he is not insured and wants $500 and for to meet him in Pittsburg!
I would not worry about the thin skinned ones complaining about your post. Just ignore them . Some would bi--ch if hung with a new rope. I think you will though probably have better luck finding a carrier of any type on the hauling board under hauling schedule on the left side of the home page. There is a place there to post if you need hauling or can do hauling. IF no body replies there try looking at LTL carriers or hotshot carriers as they will probably be cheaper than most truck load carriers for you. Don't prepay freight unless it is to a verified company some major carriers will want either a check in advance or a COD at delivery. I would do the COD since you are not looking to use them on a regular basis probably. This would of course make for a great vacation trip out there still good weather time for traveling. In a month you could be getting snow on the passes out there or sooner.
The site was suggested to me by a member of another forum. He said he had got help here on a section called Tractor/parts moving (I think). I couldn't find that section. And I see now that I didn't actually say the word "sorry" at the beginning of my original post, so I say it now-sorry. I also apologize if this is a duplicate reply.I thought I had already posted it but it didn't appear on my end.
Well, my suggestion is to post your requirements in the hauling section of the Marketplace at the top of the screen as a first step.

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