converting MH part numbers to agco


Well-known Member
I need new bushings for the shoe on my MH model 60 combine. The parts book says it is 204 828 M3. Searching for it draws a blank with AGCO. There used to be numbers that were added to the front of a MH part number that made them work with the AGCO system. Does anyone know what they were / are ?

I see that a place called aftermarket supply lists them for $2.50 each plus $20 shipping...
I need new bushings for the shoe on my MH model 60 combine. The parts book says it is 204 828 M3. Searching for it draws a blank with AGCO. There used to be numbers that were added to the front of a MH part number that made them work with the AGCO system. Does anyone know what they were / are ?

I see that a place called aftermarket supply lists them for $2.50 each plus $20 shipping...
Looking at the MF 60SP combine parts book online it shows using 2 each 204828M2 rubber bushings at the front end of the shaker shoe. Is that what you are looking for? When I select a dealer and check the part number for price and availability, this note appears: "Contact dealer for availability". They do show 204824M3 rubber bushings as available.

Here is a link to the online parts book.

MF 60SP Combine parts book
Those bushings are no longer available from Agco. The part number is an Agco number from the old Massey.
I have 3 new OEM ones here if you are interested?

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