Could you all help me with my 9N hydraulics?

Joe Arras

New User
My 1943 9N runs great, but lately, it is stubborn in lifting the 3 point arms...I just changed the fluid, and found a pin-like a 1/2" of 16 penny nail, with a flat head, in the drain plug. I took the pin out, filled it up with fluid, and proceeded to mow the old hay field-worked fine. Today, I went to move it to the shop to change the oil, and the arms wouldn't raise. played with the raise/lower handle, then after a bit went up! I can lower maybe 1/3 of the way down and lift it back up, and it works, but lower it all the way down, and you really have to play with the handle to get it to go back up. I'm great with engines, but my sausage fingers are sorta clumbsy in small places...but, could anyone tell me what that pin might be, and how to fix the ol' girl? By the way, the pin does not have a hole to a cotter pin, but does look like it has a slight dimple on the bottom pin part. Thanks much!
There are a few pins like you describe inside the 9N linkage. All of them have a hole for a cotter pin on the end. Sounds like one of yours sheared off at the end which is why you have a dimple.

The only one you can get to without pulling the lift cover is the two armed linkage that hooks to the control valve on the pump. That linkage is held on both sides with a pin. If you pull the right inspection cover and see if one side of those two arms coming from the top cover is flopping around then you found your broken pin location. Unfortunately, you would still have to pull the top cover to replace, so it appears that is in your future.

Remember to pry those two arms off of the control valve on the pump BEFORE you try to lift the top cover.
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If I did it right, I posted a picture of the pin. I went out, and tried the lift lever-I have to lift and lower the lever multiple times to get the arms to go up. Once they start, goes right up, no noise, nothing. I just emptied the old hydraulic oil-the traveller Universal hydraulic fluid from TSC, and put their ford 90W mineral hydraulic fluid, and it seems to act worse. Hate to empty itout-that stuffs expensive! I did use it once after I put it in, and it worked fine, now-not so much. I want to thank you all for answering! An old(er) guy like me is used to old engines, but all the small parts and springs scare me! It also has a cotter pin hole-missed it last night because the thing was dirty!


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That looks to be it! But...I have no idea what that is, and how might I get the little bugger back in place? LOL
I would recommend you purchase the shop manuals for your tractor. The manuals will walk you through a Top Cover rebuild. You may find videos on line but they often leave out small details that may determine whether your rebuild is a success or not.
I would recommend you purchase the shop manuals for your tractor. The manuals will walk you through a Top Cover rebuild. You may find videos on line but they often leave out small details that may determine whether your rebuild is a success or not.
Oh, absolutely! The FO-4 'manual' is so much clearer than my photos in helping him locate where the loose pint might belong.

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