Couldn't say no to a 350 Utility

Slow lane 49

New User
Delta, CO
Just wanted to say hello and show off my 350 Utility project. I deliver propane, so sometimes customers come out to chat while I'm filling the tank. This one fella told me he had just inherited the house and they were trying to get rid of some things. One was a 350 Utility. It had been sitting for 20+ years. He didn't know what was wrong with it. I'm no stranger to locked up engines, so I made a low offer. Besides, I'm busy in winter. Not a lot of free time. A week later and we had a deal. Went to pick it up and the deal turned out better than I expected. I knew I was getting a back blade and an ancient Massey disc. Then he told me an auger was going with. Now I felt bad because I only paid a little more than the auger is worth. I assured his sad wife that her father's tractor was going to be well taken care of. Then headed home excited to play with a new toy.
I should say that I am not a farmer. Very little tractor experience. Forklifts and old trucks, yes. I have a 1/2 acre with house, garage, and way too many project trucks. A week went by before I could try to get it running. The wiring has some issues. Had to jump the starter solenoid. Had voltage to coil, but no spark. Then the battery quit. To be fair, it had done some winching. Put it on charge. Another week later, my buddy Jose and I took another shot at it. Cleaned out the fuel system, filed the points, and it ran! Absolutely no smoke or valve tapping. Only leak is from oil filter. Let it run for 20 min or more. Tried the fast hitch and sprung a leak in the hose. All the hoses are cracked. There's a local AG supply (I am in farm country) that makes hoses, so they will get a paycheck. And then a milkshake drip from under trans/axle. Yay. The trans shifter will move back and forth in neutral, but won't shift into any gear. I'm figuring rain got in over the years. Hopefully that is the only reason for milkshake. New hoses and oil flush soon.
Now for what I know about the tractor. Has 12v conversion w/alternator. Alt keeps right hood from closing. Has spin out rear wheels. Right front wheel was toed in bad. The axle clamp is gone and axle slid in. Tires are good other than the car tire on rt front. Hydraulic pump is in front of grill, so probably had a loader at one time? Has PTO, currently stuck on low speed. There is some kind of piston (don't know what to call it) by PTO housing that is froze keeping the shifter from moving. Has a top link to use 3pt. Brakes work. Power steering works. Won't know about trans and TA until I free up the shifter. Looks like this is a good, solid tractor that just needs minor repairs. I don't really have questions yet. Ordering some parts and a manual first. I forgot to take pics Sunday. I went out after work in the dark to get some. Not great, but everyone wants pics. I have the air filter, just took off to clean.
Hello slow lane welcome to YT! Looks like a fairly nice one. There were two basic styles of the 350 produced, the International 350 that you have is the utility model. They also produced the Farmall 350 “row crop” tractor. The engines and main drivetrain components are mostly interchangeable between them. Not a huge deal but the x50 series built in 56 to 58 were the first IH gas tractors to have 12 volt systems, some were 6 but the majority were 12 volt. The alternator obviously is a swap from the original generator. If you have truck projects you may be familiar with a Delco 10si alternator. Likely this is what is has. With proper brackets and belt length it can be made to fit under the hood.
Here is a link to the manufacturers online parts catalog. CNHI IH 350 utility parts catalog
If you view it on a phone it works a bit odd, when you chose a “Functional Group” it brings up a list of “parts subsections” I call them you have to scroll down through them to the diagrams at the bottom. (The top General group is the exception to this) In time if you become familiar with them by “description” you can click one and it will highlight the diagram for you to locate it. For now just looking at the diagrams may be the best. Clicking into the diagrams gets you to the actual parts listing. Many of the parts for your tractor are no longer available from the manufacturer. Many part numbers have been removed from their catalog. Secondly, I will link the “modified” parts book created by a dealer called Messicks in PA. Messicks IH 350 utility parts catalog They have the “Groups” labeled as “Category” and the sub-sections are “Diagrams” I use the CNHI diagrams to look at which one I want to view, then in the Messicks catalog I can pick out the correct number and subsection (diagram) I want from their list which uses identical descriptions. The reason to go through all this is the Messicks catalog has the majority of the original part numbers that were removed put back in. They also have pricing. A month or two ago CNHI did a big update to their online parts catalog. It used to be if the part was available you could see the price. Now you have to select a dealer to see the price. The problem is if the dealer does not have that part in stock you can’t see the price because it is “Unavailable” I have tried to contact them several times about this with no luck. The reason to get a part number is that often it will help you find a part from alternative sources and also salvage yards.
I am a 350 Utility owner. The tractor is going to serve you well. As noted the alternator (as is) can be adjusted with a belt change to (barely) fit under the hood. The alternative is the use of a Hitachi 14231 alternator from a Nissan truck of late 1980s vintage. They hook up the same as a Delco10SI. The L spade terminal is = to the #1 Delco. The S terminal attaches to the Bat (output) terminal with a 6 inch lead.
Your shift rails are likely rusted stuck, the top cover is pretty easy to remove and allows access. Please be assured you are welcome here. Mine has one engine overhaul, and tires changed, I have probably 4000 hrs operating it from 1957 when it was purchased and I was 8. Jim
Howdy! Thanks for the welcome! I do have Delcos laying around, but I'll see if this one works. It's a Motorola. The top mounting bracket is beefy. He was able to use the stock pulley on it. Right now it's extended all the way out and the belt is loose. Looks like it would be up against the spark plug if it moved in enough to clear the hood. Plus it's sorta blocking the oil fill. I'll have to make new brackets to move it up higher.
I'll check out Messicks. After looking at this sites catalog, I need to verify what parts I'm ordering with what's on the tractor.
The serial# is 2344 DS. I'll search for the year. Don't know if the meter is working. Hours look kinda low.


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Janicholson. Check out the shift rails! Hit it with a scraper, vacuum, and half a can of PB Blaster. Will try again tomorrow. I figure some heat will be involved.


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Welcome aboard. Looking at those shift rails, I would suggest to remove the cover as said above as I'm sure the detents are frozen in also. With that kinds rust in there you may be going in a little deeper. Good luck
Janicholson. Check out the shift rails! Hit it with a scraper, vacuum, and half a can of PB Blaster. Will try again tomorrow. I figure some heat will be involved.
The removal of the shift lever is good to assess that the entire top does need to be removed. dont even try to go through the shifter hole on that crusty mechanism. Heat is not good through that hole. Jim
wow u have a big job ahead of you by pulling the top and totally removing all them shift rails springs and balls. and get them cleaned up nicely . not counting what we cannot see lower down. that will be of interest to see pic's of that also. see tractors wear out from sitting also.
Well.. you guys are the experts. Just gotta finish the S10 engine swap (not V8) so I can get the tractor in the garage. Engine is in, just need to hook up wires and exhaust. Don't worry, I ain't scared. Needs an oil flush anyway. I'll take pics.

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