Cub middle buster tool bar

Hello all, was looking for a tool bar for my cub. I see it called different things. Middle buster tool bar, 174 planter runner tool bar. It’s IH part # 512 624 R2 if that helps. I’m hoping to find one pretty quickly(God willing) as it is something that is driving my decision on what type of planter to buy. Anyway I will attach a picture as well. Thanks Bob 609-364-1455 call with message or text me


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Hello all, was looking for a tool bar for my cub. I see it called different things. Middle buster tool bar, 174 planter runner tool bar. It’s IH part # 512 624 R2 if that helps. I’m hoping to find one pretty quickly(God willing) as it is something that is driving my decision on what type of planter to buy. Anyway I will attach a picture as well. Thanks Bob 609-364-1455 call with message or text me
Unless you want authentic —- just get a solid 1 1/2 inch bar ( or whatever the true size is) from a steel yard. Will work fine. It does not have to be shaped. Straight will work fine.
Hello all, was looking for a tool bar for my cub. I see it called different things. Middle buster tool bar, 174 planter runner tool bar. It’s IH part # 512 624 R2 if that helps. I’m hoping to find one pretty quickly(God willing) as it is something that is driving my decision on what type of planter to buy. Anyway I will attach a picture as well. Thanks Bob 609-364-1455 call with message or text me
I may have one.....I know I had 5-6 this spring,fast selling,hot item. Will check in the morning, round 2 of thunderstorms coming........


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Keep your head low. Tough sledding out your way.
What do you get for a cub layoff bar sir? Also might you have a IH duplex seed hopper for corn and beans that would work with a 174 cub planter setup? Thanks Bob
Hello all, was looking for a tool bar for my cub. I see it called different things. Middle buster tool bar, 174 planter runner tool bar. It’s IH part # 512 624 R2 if that helps. I’m hoping to find one pretty quickly(God willing) as it is something that is driving my decision on what type of planter to buy. Anyway I will attach a picture as well. Thanks Bob 609-364-1455 call with message or text me
Burch Store website has one that will work for you.
Burch Store website has one that will work for you.
Yes sir. I’ve seen the manufactured ones. For me this is a working tractor so who’s looking right? Thought I’d try to find an original first. Are you located anywhere near Edenton NC? Where my mother was from. Thanks for the heads up. Bob
Yes sir. I’ve seen the manufactured ones. For me this is a working tractor so who’s looking right? Thought I’d try to find an original first. Are you located anywhere near Edenton NC? Where my mother was from. Thanks for the heads up. Bob

I am between Greensboro and Winston-Salem, several hours from Edenton.
Hope you made it through the weather okay. Did you get a chance to see if you had a cub layoff available. Thanks Bob
I'm sold out ...I have a set of these mounting brackets...... JP tractor may have the bar.


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