Cultivator from Farmall A fit Super A?

Had Farmall Super A tractor for sometime. Just mowing and such. Recently was given cultivator from Farmall A. Can i use manual lift on my Super A or need to find some parts to work with hydraulics? Eventually want to use hydraulics, but short-term can I use manual?
You cant use the manual lift from the A to the SA cause the lift arms go where the hy rockshaft assy is located. Sorry it just wont work. If by some chance the SA doesent have a hy system it would work, Other way around the SA cult could work on an A with some linkage work could work but in your case it just will not work.
This might be a dumb question,but..
I can still use the cultivators right? Just need to get the right linkage to hook up between the cultivators and the Super A? If so what parts would I need to make the connection? Keep in mind, I"m clueless. I would just like it to work. Looked for very long time for cultivators for my SA and were lucky enough to be given these.
You've got the cultivators. You've got the tractor.

You've got nothing to lose, so why not try and mount them and see how far you get?

It's going to be a matter of putting them on and figuring out what you need to make it work. You might find someone who has done it if you wait around long enough but by then the weeds might be too tall to cultivate.
The parade restorers usually remove the cultivators and cultivator frames. Many go to the scrap yard. If you keep you eyes open you can pick up a set very reasonably. You might have to buy the whole tractor to get a good set though. Watch the adds. No your A frames will not work on an SA and there is not much of a demand for the set you have.
OK mount one side then look how you can make it lift from the rockshaft. If i had the tractor here i could make it work. Send me your adress or call me 319-430-3907 and i can tell you how to do it. You need some iron and a welder,drill press ect or take it someplace who could do the job its not impossible. I could make them but theres freight ect.
Ok. Im totally confused. Sorry, Im a pretty smart guy.. but when comes to this, a utter complete novice. Seems I'm getting mixed advice. I know I can not use the manual lift on my SA. But can I still use the cultivators? Or are they A specific? Im assuming will work on my SA, but will need to find the parts for use with hydraulics? Which parts? Sorry I'm such a begginer, but willing to learn. We have a SA and M and love these tractors.

I really need cultivators for my SA and hoping somhow to make these work. Not sure about other parts of country, but around here, they are very difficult to find. I was literally given these by an old farmer taking pity on me. I was told by Wegners of Myerstown, pa. very difficult to find. If find some, let them know. Either been scraped or owners will not give up.
Freefour - where are you located? - I'm looking for a set too (if scott doesn't want them).

They're fairly easy to find on the web, problem is finding them locally.

Anything outside of driving distance adds way too much in shipping costs.

I'm in Massachusetts.
(quoted from post at 08:11:50 03/21/13) Ok. Im totally confused. Sorry, Im a pretty smart guy.. but when comes to this, a utter complete novice. Seems I'm getting mixed advice. I know I can not use the manual lift on my SA. But can I still use the cultivators? Or are they A specific? Im assuming will work on my SA, but will need to find the parts for use with hydraulics? Which parts? Sorry I'm such a begginer, but willing to learn. We have a SA and M and love these tractors.
OK, lets see if I can clear this up. First off, although it isn't obvious from 30 feet away, the A and Super A have SUBSTANTIAL, FUNDAMENTAL differences.
1) The Super A has an integrated hydraulic system, known as the Touch-Control system.
2) The Super A has a quick-attach implement mounting system that mainly affects the drawbar and anything attached where the drawbar mounts. It also has heavy fenders that support a multi-use rear rockshaft.

The cultivators were almost completely redisigned from the A to Super A to work with and take advantage of the changes to the tractor.

Anyone that tries to mount an A cultivator on a Super A will have one of 3 possible outcomes.
1) He quickly runs into problems due to the differences in the tractors and give up. This result represents knowing one's limitations.
2) He recognizes the problems. He realizes that it is not possible to "find the parts for use with hydraulics" as those parts do not exist. Knowing how BOTH styles of cultivators were designed to work, he applies his skills as a fabricator to make/modify parts to make the hydraulics work acceptably with the cultivator. He modifies the rear mount bearings to fit the quick-attach drawbar studs. He has a whole pile of left-over A hand lift parts that don't fit on a Super A. This result represents the skills of a good fabricator.
3) Equipped with little skill and a welder, he none-the-less cobbles something together that half-%## works. Most others keep a good distance from this sort of creation. This result represents what I have seen from nearly every attempt at oucome number 2.

You have been given responses to your original question that address each of the 3 possible outcomes. Does this eliminate some of the confusion?
(quoted from post at 06:26:40 03/21/13) Freefour - where are you located? - I'm looking for a set too (if scott doesn't want them).

They're fairly easy to find on the web, problem is finding them locally.

Anything outside of driving distance adds way too much in shipping costs.

I'm in Massachusetts.

I'm in Southern IL.

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