Cutting Counterbore's On The 930


Well-known Member
The counterbore's showed some uneven areas with light pitting and the sleeve protrusion varied several thousands. By cutting them all the same exact depth the bores get cleaned up and the sleeve protrusion will be the same on all cly's at .002. The cutter is a manual powered tool that does precise cutting in .001 increments. I checked and the shims for the 401 are still available. I have a few NOS shims which need to be used up. Rod.



This was the point I tried to make a few days ago. My intent was to educate not po someone. This operation has to be done with a precision cutting tool so a person doesn't run the risk of cracking a sleeve due to improper angle or irregularities. As I said the flange is supposed to be angled upwards towards the sleeve so the pressure is at the point the flange meets the barrel. This cannot be done accurately enough with a die grinder.
Gee Rod, you shook up my old brain here, I had forgotten, I still have a counter bore tool, and it sits in its metal storage box
Dan that metal box is heavy containing the tool and different cutter heads. There has to be a few a these sitting around the country, I believe most every dealer had one back in the 70's.
Interesting yours is blue. The one I use came from a dealer near to you and is a green similar to that used on steigers.
Rod, I would have to look, its possible. Will take a peek when it gets warmer.

Yea, my counter bore tools are Steiger green. Rod, I will email you as I got those books, and wondered if you needed any of them
Your right, it was a expensive tool and we did not borrow it out, only our guys that had the training could use the tools

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